Chapter 14 - Coffee Shop?

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Evans POV

"Jonathan... Jonathan! JONATHAN COME HERE!" I yelled from my bedroom

"Coming coming!" I heard him yell running up the stairs "Evan are you o-" he stopped mid sentence

"Tehehe" I snickered I said as I was laying on the ground with the blanket tangled around my body

"You called me all the way upstairs cause you got tangled in the blankets?" He started bursting out with laughter

"Would you shut up and just help me?" I said laughing along with him

He helped me out if the blanket and we made the bed.

"How does one simply get tangled in the blankets?" He said nudging my shoulder

"I'm clumsy like that I'm sorry" I giggled

We went downstairs and the guys were getting ready to pack up to leave. They had to go today and Jonny and I were pretty sad to see them leave but we need to except that

"Guys the taxi is here!" Craig called out

"Bye guys I'm really gonna miss you all" said Jonathan and I as we helped them with their things

"We all want to say thanks for having us over it was really nice of you Jonathan we all hope to be back soon" said Tyler as the guys all nodded and went into the car

They started to drive off and we waved goodbye. It was so hard seeing them leave

"Bye!" Me and Evan yelled to them as they drove away

"Bye!" They all yelled back and rolled back up the window

Me and Evan went back inside to relax a bit before we had to clean up

"Hey Evan?" Said Jonny as I sat in the couch

"Yeah?" I replied

"I think I'm gonna go get a coffee wanna come?" He said

"I would but my back really hurts is it okay if I stay and rest?" I said rubbing my back

"Oh yes definitely! I'll get you a coffee okay? See ya later" he said leaving the door

Don't let him go! Hahaha

There it is again! What did it mean?! Out was probably nothing... I just need to lay down for a bit...

Jonathan's POV

      I started walking to the coffee shop. I understand why Evan didn't want to go, we have had a really rough day. It's been a really long day I might add and I'd rather him rest then his back hurting even more than it does. 10 minutes later I got to the coffee shop. I went inside, adjusted my mask and went to order coffee for me and Evan.

"Hello welcome to River Star cafe how may I help you sir?" Said the lady behind the counter

"Hi yes, can I have 2 Large double doubles please?" I replied

"Yup, coming right up. That will be $4.50" she said as I handed her the money. 2 minutes later I got our coffee and started to head back to the house


All of the sudden the coffee shop door swings open and 1 of the coffees go flying across the room splattering all over the place. My mask slides off I little but I quickly put it back on.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?! I'm so sorry! Clumsy me I'm always like this I really didn't mean that sir" said some lady around my age helping me off the ground

"Oh no it's my fault! I should of been watching where I was going" I said giving her my hand "sorry"

"Oh please don't be sorry let me buy you another one please"

"Oh you really don't need to do that"

"Please it will make me feel much better about it"

"Well okay" I said "thank you

The kind lady said. She bought be another coffee and we walked out together

"Ah now that things are all sorted out... My name is Samantha, friends call me Sammy for short. What's your name?" She said as we took a seat on the water fountain ledge

"Hello Samantha, my name is Jonathan" I said shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you Jonathan. Look again I'm really sorry about the coffee... Here is my number if you ever wanna come have coffee again or something" she said handing me a small paper with her number inside

"Thanks... Sammy. I'll see you around!" I said with a smile

"Thanks Jonathan bye now!" She AIDS walking the opposite direction as me

Wow. This girl was really nice. I think we could be great friends. But I hope in the future she understands that I'm not into girls and if she were to ever have feelings for me I would never feel that way about her. My feelings are set on Evan and that's the way it's gonna stay. I walked back home and saw Evan laying there so peacefully on the couch taking a nap. I lay his coffee next to him and put a blanket over him. I went back upstairs to lay on my bed and take a little nap and maybe upload a YouTube video.

Buzzz buzzz

~over text~

Sammy: hey Jonathan! Hope I didn't bother you just wanted to say hey and if you got home okay

Aww how sweet! I thought to myself

Jonathan: hey Sammy! Yeah I did thanks for asking. I was just gonna take a nap for a bit it's been a long day. My roommate is just downstairs so I'm gonna take a nap

Sammy: ohh a roommate? Cool. Well I'll let you get to your nap and I'll talk to you later bye Jonathan! Hope to see you again soon x3

Jonathan: see ya! :D

~end of text~

Wow Samantha is really nice! I can't wait to see her again. But in the other hand I wish I could just snuggle in with Evan on the couch but I think I'll let this one slide. I closed my eyes and slowly started to drift off...

Hey guys! I know this is a short chapter but the next one will be WAY longer trust me.

And if you are wondering about that gift that Jonathan was supposed to give Evan will be here just not at the moment. I have the perfect time I wanna add it it.

AND ALSO what did you think about this plot twist chapter? What is Evan gonna think about all this? Jonathan still loves Evan with all his heart but what does Evan have to say about this? Lemme know what you think about it and have a great day!

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