Chapter 17 -

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Jonathan's POV

I got up out of my sleep on the floor. I looked over an the other side of the street I saw Evan standing there.

"Evan!" I yelled. I was starting to run over to him when a person came out the woods and pointed a gun up to Evans head and stopped dead in my tracks

"Don't move or he gets it!" The man yelled from the distance at me

"NO! Please don't shoot him! please!" I yelled back. I ran over and crossed the road to at least be closer to him. I was about 10 meters away from him and Evan

"I'm serious I'll shoot!" He shouted at me

"Go ahead... I mean nothing to anyone anyway.." Evan whispered

"No Evan! That is not true! There are so many friends, family, subscribers that love you! But there is one person that could live without you..." I said starting to cry again

"Oh yeah and who is that?" He replied

"Me..." I said as my head dropped and stared at the door

"Jonathan, save it for someone who you obviously love more then me" he said with no emotion

"Please don't say that..." I started crying. Not the hard sobbing type but the type that's breaks your heart when you hear it

Even turned back around to the person who was holding the gun up to his head and the person started paying attention to Evan

"So who is gonna be? You? Or your little friend over there" he said to Evan

"Me" said Evan

"Evan no!" I shouted

"Any last words pretty boy?" Said the person with the gun. I creeped up behind Evan

"All I gotta say is--"...


I jumped. I jumped in front of Evan and made it so I got shot instead of him. I got shot right in my stomach and fell to the ground

The Person ran. He didn't wanna get caught so he ran as fast as he could

It's what I had to do

I loved him

I couldn't watch him go

He is my everything

My life

My world

I love you Evan

Evans POV

"All I gotta say is--"


I thought I got shot but Jonathan jumped in front of me and the person ran... He saved my life...

"JONATHAN!" I yelled "Jonathan! Why did you do that?!" I fell to the ground and put my hand where he got shot and held him close. A small box fell out of his pocket and he picked it up with the hand that was not holding mine

"Evan... People do insane things when there in love and Evan?... I'm insanely in love with you" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek

"Jonny I-I... W-what's this?" I asked

"Remember C-Christmas night when you gave me your gift but I told you you had to wait for yours?" He coughed looking lifeless

"Yeah" I replied

"Well tonight I was gonna confront to Samantha about me being gay... I was going to ask her some 'tips' on to do something very in particular... And before I got the chance to she kissed me and I couldn't pull back..." He stopped for a second and opened the little box in his hand. My heart started racing and I couldn't believe my eyes

"You wanna know how I'm not lying? I was going to propose to you tonight. And when you saw that happening I knew you wouldn't let me explain, so I'm asking you now... Evan Fong? Will you m-marry me?" He looked straight into my eyes, laying there with the box in his hands and a pale face. Inside the box was a beautiful real diamond ring with blue and red inside

"Jonathan.. I'm so sorry! I love you more then anything I-I didn't realize! Yes Jonny! I will, p-please don't leave me now..." I whispered

"Don't worry Evan, I won't leave you... I p-promise" he said smiling "call to ambulance before I lose to much blood..."

I called the ambulance and before I knew it everything went black...

Jonathan's POV

'Where am I?' I thought to myself

'I know you don't remember me' said the man sitting next to me

'Your right... I don't' I said giving him a weird look 'I don't know anyone...'

Hey guys!! Ohhhh this was a good chapter! I know it was really short but the next one will be longer I promise and I'm not spoiling anything!! Let me know what you think and I'll have the next chapter up soon... >:)

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