Chapter 6

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Jonathan's POV

      I'm guessing Evan really enjoyed it here because he keeps smelling and looking at the roses. We spent most of our time on the bench laughing and telling each other jokes and stuff. I didn't even realize how dark and late it was getting already!

      "Hey maybe we should start heading back now... In 5 minutes because I don't wanna leave! Aha" I said falling in the flower bed below

      "Geronimo!" He yelled and fell right beside me

      "AHHH!!" I yelled "damn it Evan I thought you were gonna cannon ball on me hahaha!" I laughed and blushed

      We both started laughing when I felt a warm sensation next to my hand...

Evans POV

      "Geronimo!" I yelled as I fell right be side him

      "AHHH!!" He yelled "damn it Evan I thought you were gonna cannon ball on me hahaha!" He laughed and blushed as well as I did

      I didn't think about it first but I decided to make that move and I went for his hands and slowly started to grasp his hands.

      "Oh uhh I-I didn't mean to uh-uhh I-I I'm sorry" I was so red my face looked like it was about to pop and I shot right up, I feel so stupid!

       "Evan?" He said. I looked over at him and before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. He looked at my with his beautiful eyes and smiled with his teeth. He rubbed the back I his neck and we got up, without letting go of each other's hands and we started to walk back home in silence.

~time skip to before bed~

Jonathan's POV

      I did it. I finally held his hand. He was going to do it but he didn't know what to do and got nervous. His hands were so soft and I loved it. I was in my bedroom getting ready to go to bed when I herd a noise coming from Evans room. I wasn't sure it he was recording a game, singing or talking to himself so I decided to quietly walk to his door and listen to walk he was doing. Turns out I was right about the singing part... He was singing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. I've heard a lot that Evan really likes that song but never sang it ever only if he really felt the need to. I forget that I was standing at the door and starting singing alone because I did know most words. Oops.

"Because your amazingggg, just the way you areeee" I sang almost quiet

Evans POV

I was getting ready to go to bed when I got distracted and started singing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. I didn't even realize Jonathan was across the hall from me and I started singing my heart out. Then all of a sudden I hear a slight voice outside my door. Jonny was singing along with me and I didn't think he realized it. Haha I know just what to do! I slowly walked over to my door still singing the song and right when I hit the chorus of the song I swung open the door and he blasted out singing the song with a comb in his hand as a pretend microphone. I got quieter and quieter as he started realizing that I opened the door.

"JUST THE Way you are..." He sang calming down knowing that I opened the door "oh uhhhh" he said while I started laughing

"Hahaha! Jonny your voice sounds amazing" I insisted

"Oh uh thanks haha! I starting singing along because your voice was incredible!" He said while laughing and smiling

"Thanks Jonny. At least I have someone that can always brighten my day" I said hovering in the doorway

"You always brighten mine Evan" he blushed and I couldn't help but going red as well

"Well I-I think I should get going to bed n-now, I'll make sure you get up bright and early just to make us Pancakes! I know you just love my pancakes aha!" I said giving him a big hug

"Yes!! Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!" He yelled as he hugged me back

"Goodnight Jonnyyy" I said grabbing his hand the letting go as he walked away

"Goodnight my Evannnn" he called out doing the same with the hands. He turned red and went into his bedroom as I went back into mine

Closer and closer were getting and the happier happier were getting... I don't think I'll even be able to sleep tonight I'm to excited to make those pancakes for us to eat! The last thing I remember before going to be was smiling so hard my jaw hurt. I love him.

Jonathan's POV

"Goodnight Jonnyyy" He said grabbing my hand the letting go as I walked away

"Goodnight my Evannnn" I called out doing the same with the hands. I walked into my room and couldn't get my mind of him. I couldn't get my mind if him! Thinking about everything that happened today just makes my whole body tense up because I had such a amazing day and I spent it with the most amazing guy... I love him and I couldn't say anything less-- wait... What's that pain in my chest? Ouch. I can't breath ugh, I tried calling for help but nothing came out. I started freaking out and I didn't know what to do cause I couldn't do anything! and before I knew out I passed out right then and there...

Ohhh we have down stuff going on... Stay tuned cause the next part will be up very very soon ;) -Salena

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