Chapter 4

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Jonathan's POV

I'm finally home. I decided to sit on my front porch for a while. I couldn't get my mind of Vanoss. He was the only thing I was thinking about, we was the only one I wanted to be with. I needed him and he wasn't here... I started talking to myself

"I was excited to go to bed now I just can't sleep" I said rubbing the back of my neck

I wonder who is in that car at the house across the street, I thought to myself. Nobody lives there.

"I'm just gonna head inside now" I said standing up

Evans POV

"I'm just gonna head inside now" I herd him say. I panicked what do I do?!
Without thinking I honked the car horn. Damn it what was thinking?!

He looked at the car and started walking towards it

"Hello? Who is in there?" He called out to me

"Uh nobody I was just reading my book and I honked the car. Sorry sir" I yelled in a deep voice. It was dark so he couldn't see me

Without saying anything he walked away and was about to walk in the door, and without me thinking about my actions I swung open the door and yelled...


Jonathan's POV

I was just about to enter my house when I herd a very familiar voice...


I only know one person and one person only who calls me that. Evan.

I turned around slowly, my heart pounding 1000 miles an hour to see Evan standing there looking at me from across the road. I was shocked and I just stood there red like Evans jacket. I opened my mouth and whispered


"EVAN!!" I ran faster then a race horse as did he and we unbraced in a huge hug as I sobbed in his shoulder. After all this time and after all the pain... I'm here with Evan, my best friend... The one I love...

After 100 hours or hugging him and crying my heart out we both pulled back. His and my eyes were both red from all the crying. I couldn't breath

"Vanoss is that really you?! I-I can't believe it! Am I seeing thing things?! I m-missed you so m-much!" I said pulling him in for another hug

"I can't believe it's you ether! I came all the way down here just to see you for your birthday cause I... I... I just could wait to uh meet you!" He said blushing

"I'm sorry I'm a mess I just ugh just hug me again!" I said pulling him in and holding him tight

"I couldn't be happier now that I'm here with you Jonny" he said starting to cry

"Tell me about it. Please please come inside and I'll get ur stuff, make yourself at home please!" I said grabbing his stuff

"Thanks so much Jonny I really appreciate it!"

"Don't worry about it I'll do anything for you" I said while blushing

God I love him so much! I can't believe he is here! I can't believe all my dreams have finally come true now that he is in my life... I love you Evan

Evan POV

Jonny put my stuff in his house and we sat down on the couch with the box of pizza.

"Thank you so much for coming I really appreciate it I've been missing you and all I could think about was you I'm just so glad that you are finally--" I stopped him mid sentence with a huge hug and he squeezed me hard as well as I did. I love him more then anything but does he feel the same way?

"I needed that" he smiled "I put your stuff up stairs in the guest room if you wanna go and get unpacked and stuff" said Jonathan as he pulled back

"Thanks Jonny" I smiled back "I'll be down in 10 minutes to eat that pizza I bought for you and me"

"Aha thanks by the way" he winked and I walked upstairs to the guest room. Wow Jonny had a really nice house and the guest room was beautiful . I opened my suit case and unpacked my stuff. I got all comfy and went back downstairs to see Jonny in his tight white t-shirt, I could see his abs through the shirt. God damn. I turned red

"So we gonna eat this pizza or what?" He said opening the pizza box

"Yes we are haha" I said sitting down and taking a piece of pizza from the box

"Hey so uh it's kind of rude of me to not show you my face..." He said rubbing the back of his neck

"Do whatever makes you feel comfy Jonny" I said looking down at my knees

I looked back up to see Jonny with his mask in his hands and him staring at my with a beautiful pair of bright green eyes with a hint of blue. His smile was white and his hair was just so beautiful like the rest of him... I want the tell him how I feel, tell him how much I love him...

"You... You look... Amazing! Jonny I love it. Thank you Jonny for everything" I said turning red

"Thanks Evan. It means a lot to me" he said running his fingers through this hair

"Well it's getting pretty late we should probably go to bed" I said finishing the pizza

"Yeah your right, goodnight Evennn see you tomorrow" he said smiling

"Goodnight Jonnyyyy" I said and walked up the stairs and into my room and slowly drifted of as I laid down

Jonathan's POV

I'm the happiest man alive! The one I've been in love with for a while is now in my house. I finished of my pizza, cleaned up a bit downstairs and started to walk upstairs to my bedroom and heard a noise coming from Evans room. He was listening to my outro song! God I love him so much! But... If I tell him how I feel he will hate me... Evan I love you please notice that in your heart please...

Ohh another chapter :) please lemme know what you think and Have a nice day! -Salena

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