Chapter 8

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Jonathan's POV

W-where I am? I thought in my head. I can't move, I can't speak, open my eyes properly or feel anything around me. All I felt was me laying on a thick mattress in a room I didn't recognize. Where was I? I herd woman's voice say "Doc the patient named Jonathan is waking up, come here" she said calling out to someone

I had a blurred vision of a man walk up to the bed beside me I couldn't see his face clearly but I could see him standing there

"Jonathan? Jonathan are there awake?" He said quietly

"I-I- I think so..." I let out a quiet voice

"Here, drink this. You will feel better" he gave me a small glass of something I didn't know about but I drank it anyway because I was extremely thirsty

"They we go. We need to you wake up because we have someone here to see you soon. We will give you 5 minutes to get up and settled" said the person that in front of me. My vision was started to come back

About 3 minutes after he left I was up and sitting on the edge of my bed. I had black pants on and a white shirt on. I didn't have my blue hoodie with me and the clothes I was wearing were different from when I went to bed. The person standing there told me that I had a person that was coming to visit me. I took me w minute to get my memories back that's when I suddenly realized that it's Evan! Oh my god he must be so worried! Ugh I feel horrible! I had to sit back down and wait so I read a book to keep my stalled until he came... Please come soon Evan

Evan POV

I was still sitting in the Tim Hortons cafeteria because I was really stressed and drank about 3 coffees already when the doctor that gave me the money to buy it came down to give me some news.

"Evan? Ah yes, your friend Jonathan? He is up now and awake if you would like to go and see him now" I said

"He is awake! Yes finally! Thanks you!" I yelled as I ran to the stairs. I had no time to wait for elevators. He was 3 floors up and I ran all sets of stairs to he to him. I finally got up all the stairs and was running like a cat chasing a mouse to remember what room he was in. I ran looking for about 5 minutes just looking for the room when I finally found it! I got slower as I got to the door, I stood there for 10 seconds before actually entering the room until I finally did. I opened the door slowly and there was Jonny laying on the bed looking up at me as I opened the door. I started smiling so hard with my heart racing...

"Jonny..." I whispered

"Evan...." He whispered back and 5 seconds later I ran up to the bed laying down on it beside his squeezing him tighter than I have ever squeezed him before.

"J-Jonny I-I thought you were dead..." I said in his ear

"I don't think I could ever die on you Evan... I missed you so much... How did I end up here?" He said pulling back

"Well I was making pancakes and I called you down because they were ready and 15 minutes later you still haven't came downstairs so I went to go check on you and you wouldn't wake up, so I immediately called 911. I was crying and bawling, I couldn't take it but I'm so glad you're okay now please don't ever do that to me again Jonny" I said holding his hand

"You saved my life Evan... Thank you" he smiled "I'm so sorry Evan I didn't mean to scare you like that I can't say I'm sorry enough..." He said started to cry

"Hey, hey! Don't cry Jonny please... It was not your fault. I'm just glad your okay and that your here with me... I-I-I..." I stuttered while pulling him in for a hug "I love you" I hugged him tighter

"Evan..." He whispered "I love you too" he whispered even quieter in my ear

"I don't think you know how happy I am to hear that..." I was starting to turn red and was still in a hug and I felt his face turn really hot in my neck. I felt so happy... I truly do love him...

Jonathan's POV

I was in a tight hug with Evan. I could be happier!... Until I heard these 3 words...

"Hey, hey! Don't cry Jonny please... It was not your fault. I'm just glad your okay and that your here with me... I-I-I..." He stuttered while pulling him in for a hug "I love you" He hugged me him tighter

After all this time... Did Evan finally say he loved me? Now I'm really crying... He did! He did he did he did! Oh my god yes I can't believe it!

"Evan..." I whispered "I love you too" I whispered even quieter in his ear

I pulled Evan back from the hug and stared into his beautiful eyes that were red and his face was a pinkish red colour as were mine as well. The radio across the room was on playing slow music from the 90's.

We both pulled back from the hug he put his hand on my face rubbing my cheek. We were staring into each other's eyes and I ran my hand through his hair. We were both smiling harder then we have ever smiled before... He hardened the grip on my face and I could tell he was pulling my face into his. I stared to harden my grip on his face as well and also pulled in.

"I love you..." I said softly

Evan opened his mouth to say something but before he had the chance to say something I pulled his face into mine kissing him softly then passionately... He didn't pull back and so I know he didn't want to stop... I love him and now I know he loves me...

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to do that..." He whispered and kissed me once more grabbing both my checks with his soft hands...

What do ya think?! It finally happened! Lemme know what you think. It's only the beginning... -Salena

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