Chapter 7.

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God, it was dark and cold. I also felt this stinging in my arm, but I decided to brush that off. This had to be the darkest place I'd ever seen, I couldn't even see my body. All I could hear was this stupid beeping and it was aggravating. It was right next to my ear. Now I was getting frustrated, where the hell was I? 

Suddenly this white light was blinding me. 

"Shit." I mumbled, what was going on? My vision was blurry, and it was slowly getting better. I looked over and I could make out a heart monitor next to me. I looked down to my arm and there was an I.V. I was in a hospital? I scanned the room, no Ashton. Then it clicked, we'd been in an accident. Was Ashton okay? I started to lean up to get out of the bed, but this I.V. was holding me back. 

"Kelsey? Oh thank god." I heard my mom say. I hadn't even seen her on the chair in the corner of the room. She was instantly next to me hugging me and patting my hair. "I've been so worried." She said sniffling. 

"I'm okay, mom. Where's Ash?" I croaked, my throat was dry. How long had I been in here?

"You're awake." A tall man with white hair, and doctor scrubs said entering the room.

"What about my brother?" 

"He's in his room, he hasn't woken up yet but that's normal. We have to give him a bit of time." The doctor explained, my mom was still sniffling next to me.

"How long have I been sleeping?" 

"About a day and a half. You lost a quite a bit of blood, from the cut on your head. You're brother got the worst of it, though." 

My palms started sweating, this guy was making me nervous. He was so blunt, wasn't he supposed to go easy on me or something?

"What do you mean he got the worst of it?"

"He hit his head like you, but a bit worse we had to stitch him up. He also shattered his shoulder, he hit it off the door. He'll be okay, he'll wake up soon. There are three boys in the waiting room that have been waiting to see you, I'll send them in okay?" He gave me a slight smile. I nodded. "It's gonna be okay." He said walking out of the door. Michael, Luke, and Calum rushed through the door. They looked exhausted.

"I'm gonna go get us some food okay?" My mom said, and kissed the top of my head.

"Kay." I smiled and she was out the door.

"You're okay." Michael confirmed to himself and let out a big breath.

"Are you gonna hug me or just stare at me?" I asked, snapping them out of the daze they were in.

Michael was the first to hug me, but it wasn't as comforting as I was hoping. He was being so gentle, like he would break me if he squeezed me too tight. Luke and Cal gave me light hugs as well. 

"So what happened?" Calum finally asked, sitting in one of the chairs in the hospital room.

"Ash and I were fighting and he wasn't looking, and we got hit or he hit someone. I don't really know what happened yet." How were the people in the other car? Did they have to come to the hospital too? So many things could have gone wrong.

"Kels, you okay?" Michael asked, he was sitting criss-cross and the end of my hospital bed. 

"Just thinking."

"Ashton must have been really mad, for this to happen." Calum added.

"Yeah, he was." I rolled my eyes. Michael looked down and started playing with his thumbs.

"Were you fighting because of me?" He asked quietly. Calum looked confused, and Luke looked over at me and looked sad. I sighed, the fight was about Michael, but I didn't want him to know. He would have felt like it was all his fault, when it wasn't. There wasn't just one person to blame. "Please, Kels. Was it me?" He asked again, his eyebrows were furrowed together and he looked hurt.

"Ashton was grumpy, he was over reacting. It was stupid." I wouldn't let Michael blame himself for this.

"You didn't answer my question." He was looking at me now. I couldn't answer him, so I looked away. "God, Ashton is right. I'm no good for you. You were in a car accident because you were fighting with Ashton, about me." He got off the bed and ran his hands through his hair. 

"It's not your fault." I said in a small voice. He shook his head.

"I've hurt you twice. I can't do it again." He said walking out of the small room. Calum was looking at me and the door wide eyed. Luke walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey he's upset, he thinks it's his fault. He'll come around." He said rubbing my back. Michael didn't realize him walking away from me was going to hurt me too.


I guess I fell asleep after a while of awkward conversation with Calum and Luke. 

"Ms. Irwin, your brother has woken up." A woman said walking into my room. "Here let me take this out." She was walking over to my I.V. It stung a bit, but I was thankful I was free of it. She also took the heart monitor wires off of me as well. 

I followed her down the hall to Ashton's room. She smiled and left me and him alone. He had a cut across his forehead, that was closed up with stitches. His left arm was in a sling and he looked pale. I could only imagine how I looked. 

"Kelsey, I'm so sorry." He choked out, he was starting to tear up. I went over and sat on the edge of his bed.

"It's okay, Ash. We're both okay." I said grabbing his hand.

"Kelsey, this is all my fault. You could have-" His voice cracked and he was crying. 

"Well I'm not. You can't think of could haves, we're both okay and that's what matters. I'm not mad at you, I'm happy you're okay." I just didn't want my brother to have all the guilt put on him, it would eat him up. Ashton let out a shaky breath.

"You're the best little sister, Kelsey. I love you." He said giving my hand a squeeze.

"And you're the best big brother, Ash. I love you too. How's your shoulder?" I asked, this would be bad. Ashton wouldn't be able to play the drums for a long time, and 5sos was just starting to pick up. He sighed.

"Hurts. This is what I get for being such an ass I guess." He looked over at it. "Guess I won't be playing drums." He mumbled. 

"Knowing you, you'll get better fast. You'll be back on the drums as soon as possible. But yeah, you were kind of being an ass." We both laughed

"Have you seen the boys?" 

"Yeah they all came in when I woke up today. They'll definitely be here tomorrow." At least Luke and Calum would be here tomorrow, I wasn't 100% sure about Michael though. 


This chapter is so boring and shitty, I'm sorry. 

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