Chapter 16.

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*Michael's POV*

The door slammed in my face, and I stood there with my mouth wide open. One minute she wanted nothing to do with me, and the next she was getting mad because I told her she deserved better? I sat down and ran my hands through my hair.

So much had happened today, and it wasn't even noon time yet. Now after that talk with Kelsey, I had no clue what to do. I didn't know if she wanted me to leave her alone or keep trying, and I didn't know which would be best for her anymore. This whole relationship thing is confusing and stressful, but I'd keep doing it for her. But I'm always fucking up, why would I want to continue hurting someone I cared about so much. I just need to leave her alone, it'll work out better in the long run for her... I hope.

I've seen my beautiful girl cry, both of the last times I've seen her. She deserves to be happy, the naked pictures and my lies should have never happened to her. She should be having a fun summer, but all this shit keeps crashing down on her. To think that I've caused some of it makes me sick, I'm such an idiot. I sighed,

I needed to get away from these stairs and her house. She officially became mine on these stairs, and now did it officially end on these stairs? What a shit boyfriend I was. I could knock on her door and do one of those corny kisses and try to win her back, but what if she completely rejected it. She needed time to think and that's what I have to give her, or the outcome of everything could end up worse if I tried anything stupid.

I needed a few drinks.


"A few drinks" turned into.. uh too many drinks that I lost count. Now I'm absolutely shit faced, and I feel even worse than before. If anything my want to be with Kelsey has intensified with each damn drink. With the alcohol in my system my judgment was a bit fucked up, and I really wanted to see Kelsey. I needed to see her, maybe if I poured out my drunken feelings to her she'd actually believe me. What's that stupid ass saying, "drunk words sober thoughts"? Something like that. 

Before my mind could actually catch up with my actions I was walking out of my room, where I was pathetically drinking alone. Hopefully I would sober up a bit on the walk to Kelsey's house. I probably couldn't even form a coherent sentence even if I tried at the moment. It was pretty chilly out but I felt like I was on fire. It was probably the mix between the alcohol and how nervous I was.


*Kelsey's POV*

This was the sixth chick flick I had watched today, and now I had no more tears left to cry. Between crying for myself and crying about the movies I guess I just dried them out. Right in the middle of P.S. I Love You someone had to ring the door bell about twenty times, and it was close to midnight. Ashton was passed out and he sleeps like a rock so of course he didn't hear it. Which left me to face whoever was at the door, possibly a murderer.

I unlocked the door and opened it a crack to see Michael. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were glassy, it almost looked like he could have been crying but when he opened his mouth it reeked of vodka.

"What the hell are you doing here? Do you even know what time it is?" I growled. He smiled a little and looked away from me.

"Can I uh come in please?" He slurred. I rolled my eyes I couldn't really leave him outside drunk and with no way to get home. How the hell did he even get here? I opened the door a little more and he slid by me. We walked into the living room in silence and sat across from each other.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked again. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and scrunched up his face.

"I needed to talk to you." He sighed.

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