Chapter 18.

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As Ashton left the kitchen Michael kissed the tip of my nose, and then started stuffing his face with food.

"Luke and Calum are coming over, said they have news or something." Ashton yelled from the living room. Michael looked excited, but continued eating. He was eating so fast, I was surprised he wasn't choking. He noticed my giggling, and looked up at me.

"What?" He said with a mouth full of food. I looked away from him and gagged.

"Chew your food! That was disgusting." I heard him laugh and I turned around cautiously.

"This is disgusting?" He asked and opened his mouth.

I punched his arm, and he swallowed his food and chuckled. I decide to clean up a bit, Ashton had left the pans he used to cook on the stove. I rolled my eyes, grabbed them and threw them in the sink along with a couple of plates and started washing them. I looked back, Michael had gotten up probably to go talk to Ash. After cleaning everything, I went into the living room and sat next to Michael. Him and Ash were playing Fifa and I decided on not disturbing them. They were too serious about this game.

The bell rang, but neither Ashton or Michael moved. I grunted and got up to open the door to find a very excited Luke and Calum. They ran right into the living room and I closed the door and followed.

"Stop the game!" Calum yelled.

"We're almost done." Ashton said not looking away from the screen.

Luke looked at Michael then to Ashton then to me. I gave him a slight smile and a shrug, we'd talk about it later, he seemed to excited about the news he had to tell the boys. Michael and Ashton's game ended, Michael won. They both turned around and waited for their news. Calum and Luke looked at each other, trying to figure out who would tell them

"Ok so," Luke started, Calum's smile grew wider, "so Calum and I have been digging around and talking to some people, and these people really like our music, and these people want us to go preform for them." 

"Who are these people?" Ashton questioned.

"These people are people in England and these people want us to tour England." Calum squealed. 

All three of us dropped our jaws and looked at Luke and Calum.

"You're serious!" Michael beamed.

"Yes yes yes!" Luke laughed.

"When do we leave?" Ashton asked jumping off the couch.

"In a week." Calum answered this time.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" I was really excited for them actually, this was their dream and it was coming true. Luke looked at me and tried to contain his smile.

"You're coming too!" He shouted.

"Me? England? Are you serious!" I ran to Luke and hugged him, and then Calum. "You guys are the best seriously, I'm freaking out! England! How long are we staying?" I gushed, I had never been out of Australia, and now I was going to be in England in a week.

"A bit over a month, I think." Calum said and sat down on the couch next to Ash.

I squealed like a pig, this was amazing. I had to pack and get new clothes, and calm down a little. I took a deep breath and sat next to Michael. 

"Someones excited." He laughed, squeezing my leg lightly.

"Very excited, you should be too!" I countered.

"I am, I was much more excited when Luke said you were coming."

I blushed and leaned into his shoulder, I didn't want to speak too soon but things were starting to look up.


Calum and Luke had left a while ago, and Michael was about to leave as well. Ash was in the living room on his laptop, and I walked Michael to the door.

He turned around and cupped my face in his hands, "I am so grateful you're giving me another chance."

I smiled and titled my head up to kiss him, he teased me a bit by brushing his lips lightly over mine but pulling back quickly if I leaned forward. Then he lightly pressed his lips to mine, one of his hands moved from my face to my waist to pull me closer to him. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, but I wasn't going give him access that easily. That was when he lightly pushed me up against the wall and pressed me even closer to him, I gasped and his tongue quickly entered my mouth, lightly sweeping over my own tongue. He was smirking a bit, and I pulled back and grinned. He pouted a little until he thought of something better to do, he planted open mouthed kisses along my neck and collar bones. I could feel my cheeks heating up into a blush, as he continued. He worked his way back to my lips and gave me a few quick kisses leaving me wanting more. With my hand on his neck I pulled his head back down to me, so I could kiss his soft lips again.

Until I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. Michael retracted his hands from me and quickly moved away from me. I straightened up and looked over at Ashton, who was trying not to laugh. Michael was blushing and scratching his neck, I could only imagine how red my cheeks were. 

"I didn't know if he kidnapped you, but you we're just sucking each other's faces off. Sorry for interrupting" He laughed and walked away.

Michael started laughing a bit and I just stared at him, "Why are you laughing that was so embarrassing!" I squeaked. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me.

"That's why it was so funny." He chuckled into my hair. I laughed a bit too, at least Ashton wasn't angry.

"I swear if you two are making out again I'm going to puke!" He yelled from the living room.

We both laughed and he opened the door and gave me one last small kiss. "Goodnight baby."

I still blushed when he called me babe, or baby. I wasn't used to it yet, and he noticed and smirked. "Goodnight Michael." He turned and I closed the door, and walked into the living room to sit with Ashton.

"Please never let me witness anything like that ever again." He chuckled.

"You didn't have to come looking!" 

"I thought you left you were over there for like ten minutes!" He laughed.

I buried my face in my hands, he was so embarrassing. But I was happy he was laughing about this rather than yelling at me for it.

"So you're okay with me and him being together right?" I asked timidly, I knew the dating subject was a touchy one because he was my big brother and he wanted to protect me from assholes. Since our dad wasn't around he was super protective of me, it was overbearing but I knew why he felt obligated to do it.

"Yeah, you're happy with him. I can't really do anything about it, but if you need me to beat his ass at any point don't hesitate to ask." He laughed and got up from the couch, "I'm going to bed goodnight little sis."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Goodnight big bro."

He laughed and made his way upstairs. I grabbed a blanket and snuggled into the couch and watched stupid ghost stories until I fell asleep.


This is short as all hell, but I wanted to update since I said I would. It would have been longer but it's 9 at night and I'm stressed out about going back to school tomorrow and I still have to shower. I'm going to try my best to update at least once during the week, if not I will definitely update over the weekend. Again I'm so sorry this is so short but there was a steamy ass kiss in here so enjoy. Melsey is my otp tbh okay.


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