Chapter 11.

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The weeks had been flying by and so far everything was going close to perfect in my relationship. Thinking about Michael being my boyfriend is still enough to make me get this huge stupid smile across my face. Ashton was still clueless, or acting clueless which really isn't a bad thing. Michael had made the decision to go on dates every Friday. They ranged from dinner dates at McDonald's to cheesy picnics on the beach. 

Now I was sitting at the hospital waiting for Ash to get out of his doctor's appointment. He would finally be able to stop wearing the sling for his shoulder. After a very long time waiting Ashton walked into the waiting room all smiles and no sling. 

"I'm good! I start physical therapy next week." He beamed.

"Great, can we get food I'm starving." I whined. 

I'd been in the waiting room long enough that my butt had gone numb.


After Ashton and I stopped at McDonald's, Calum called invited us over and said it was important. Probably just band stuff or something,

When we walked into Calum's house he was all smiley and so were the other boys.

"Sit, sit, sit!" He said rushing us over to the living room where Michael and Luke were sitting. 

I took my usual seat next to Michael and waited for someone to say something.

"Soooooo." Calum started.

"We're throwing you a party because you got out of your sling and everything." Luke interrupted.

Ashton's face lit up, "When?" He asked trying not to sound too excited. 

"Tonight, it's gonna be on the beach, kind of like a bonfire thing but better than that one we went to before." Michael said looking over at me.

"Am I invited?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Obviously, I mean you can't go anywhere without-" Calum started then stopped, we all know where he was going with that one. "Uh without Ashton." He said with an awkward smile.

I rolled my eyes, Calum was the worst at being discrete about Michael and I.

"Please don't wear anything that will make me have to get into a fight over you, please?" Michael whispered.

"I'll think about it." I teased.

"I'm serious Kels." He pouted.

"Okay okay calm down."

They all started talking about the setup of this party and I just zoned out for a bit.


The boys had gone to the beach to set up everything, which left me alone to get ready. I looked through my clothes trying to find something to wear, when I came across the dress I wore to the last party. I got the chills just looking at it, it just reminded me of that creep. I should probably look into throwing it away since it holds such bad memories, but it was expensive so maybe not. I finally decided on wearing a black lacy romper, hopefully this wouldn't attract anymore creepy intoxicated men to me. I showered and did the usual makeup routine and waited until I got a text from one of the boys.

I was getting caught up on episodes of Pretty Little Liars I had missed, until Michael texted me.

From: Michael Is The Best and Most Ruggedly Handsome Man I've Ever Seen
You can drive over now babe 

I touched up my makeup and slid on a pair of sandals and started my drive to the beach. This didn't hold particularly nice memories either, I guess parties weren't really my thing.

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