Chapter 23.

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It had been one long month and a half in London. I was almost completely ignored after the first two weeks of having been there. The boys were busy with shows, and meetings with their Barbie doll manager thing. They had gained a lot more fans in the short time we had been here. They were always going out and bringing girls home. Or they would just come home piss drunk and crash. I was just left alone to do whatever my heart desired.

Michael had barely spoken to me, once we landed back in Australia I would have to tell him what I had been planning in the weeks I had been alone in London. We were all packing our things now, I could hear all the boys complaining about how much they didn't want to leave. I was more than glad to get out of solitary confinement. I'd been miserable and no one had noticed. 

I couldn't really blame them, their career was taking off and I didn't want to be selfish and take the excitement away from them. It just hurt because my own boyfriend was forgetting about me. I sighed once I had the last of my things packed away and flopped onto my bed. It was going to be an awkward trip home since I hadn't really spoken to any of them in a month. How did it even get like this? I got up and rolled my suitcase by the door. The boys were still packing. I sulked back into my room, I would wait here until I was called to leave. With my luck they wouldn't even remember to tell me they were leaving. 

I was getting anxious because I would have to come clean about what I was planning to do after returning to Australia. No one knew yet, except my mother. I was scared to tell all the boys, I was scared that they wouldn't react at all. I was scared that they would make such a big deal out of this, and convince me not to go through with it. Either way, it wasn't going to be easy breaking them the news.

"Kelsey the cab is here we gotta go." Ashton called from the front door.

I grumbled and walked through the flat for the last time, I wouldn't really miss it here. Nothing particularly awful or great happened here. No one helped me with my bags, which I had assumed, it pissed me off none the less. I slipped into the van and buckled myself in, and just looked out the window.

"I never got to get with our manager!" Calum huffed.

"She was a lost cause Cal, I tried." Ashton replied glumly.

I wanted to gag and put my head through the window at the same time. I decided on putting my headphones in and listening to Fall Out Boy instead. I was nodding along to the music until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took one headphone out and looked behind me.

"Did you have a good time Kels?" Luke asked, he seemed like he genuinely wanted to know if I had a good time or not. I found it funny, and I was soon laughing. The four boys just looking at me. I managed to get myself under control and took a breath.

"Yeah I had a wonderful time." I said sarcastically, and turned around and put my headphone back in again. It was hilarious that he asked me if I had a good time when I was left alone to rot in a stupid flat in London. I should have never gone on this trip.

Michael still hadn't said a word to me, I was used to it at this point, it didn't really bother me. I took the window seat, and I heard Michael grunt. I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"Oh sorry princess, did you want this seat?" I asked, and these were the first words I had said to him in over a week I think. He just kind of looked at me, and sat down.

"Well this is goodbye London." Ashton said as we were taking off. 

Goodbye and good riddance.

After about a day of flying we were home, there were a shit load of fans at the airport and I wasn't in the mood. I knew my mother was waiting for us at the gate, so I started walking. The boys were taking pictures and signing things, and talking to all the fans that had turned up. I saw my mom and she instantly had tears in her eyes.

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