Chapter 12.

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*MIchael's POV*

I walked back to the beach pissed with myself. She was right and there was nothing I could say to make the situation better. Why did I have to be such an asshole. I just lost the best thing that had ever happened to me.

I sat down on the sand alone. As much as I wanted to leave I had to stay for Ashton. God, if Ashton found out what just happened he would kill me. I sighed, and I heard shifting in the sand next to me.

"Where's Kels?" Luke asked taking a sip from his beer.

I sighed and looked down, "She left." The boys were going to be pissed at me for this. I really did fuck everything up.

"Oh, why?"  He asked.

Better tell him now to get this over with, "I'm the world's biggest asshole."

He looked concerned now, not for me obviously but for Kelsey. "What did you do?"

"Before you lecture me on this one, I know I'm an idiot and I don't know why I did it, but I did." I paused and Luke nodded. "I told a couple of friends I had sex with her and she heard the whole thing."

Luke smacked the back of my head, any other time I would have hit him back but I deserved it.

"You idiot! Why would you do that!" He raised his voice.

"I don't know, I wanted to look cool." I mumbled. 

Kelsey didn't deserve this, I didn't deserve her. I wanted to apologize and make everything better between us, but she deserves better than me. If I wasn't such an egotistical asshole none of this would have happened. I would be here with my beautiful girlfriend, making her smile, and laugh. Instead I just ruined her whole night and made her cry. The only thing I could do now is let her move on, I'll apologize and leave her alone. It would be for the best. I can't be selfish with her, I care about her too much and I would most likely hurt her again

"Michael! Hello?" Luke was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I said and rolled my eyes.

"You better apologize, and tell your friends that nothing happened between you two."

"Luke, I can't." I whined, I would look like a loser. Here we go again with my ego and shit. I sighed.

"Do you want the whole school to think they can get with her?" Luke growled.

"No." I ground my teeth together, Kelsey wasn't like that and I just made her look like a slut. Fuck.

"So go tell them nothing happened." He demanded.

I got up and made my way to get a beer first then went to find Tanner, Brett, and Matt.

"How was your car date!" Matt called, it was more like they found me. The three boys were waiting to hear how I fucked Kelsey in the car, disgusting. I took a huge sip of beer and looked down.

"Nothing happened." I said.

"Is she waiting in the car because I can go up there and-" Tanner started but I interrupted him.

"No, she's not. She went home. Nothing happened between me and Kelsey. I've only kissed her, and I don't care what you think of that. She's not a whore, so don't talk about her like she is one." 

"Alright alright calm down! You're like her personal attack dog. She has you whipped Clifford." Brett laughed.

"No, I just care about her a lot." I snapped.

I decided to walk away and go find Luke before I punched their faces in. He was still sitting where I left him.

"So did you tell them?" He asked while I was sitting down.

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