Chapter 29.

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The boys and I had been in America for a month, and we'd been touring all over the place. It was insane that we were touring with One Direction, and it was even crazier that we had a ton of fans now. We were currently heading to LA, because it was the last stop on the tour (A/N: I don't think LA was the last place on the TMH tour but just go with it ok). I was jittery as hell because I was so close to seeing Kelsey for the first time in over a month. I was going to make things better between us, I had to. I couldn't lose her. I didn't know what the hell I was going to do to make everything okay again, but it had to be something special. I still felt guilty about the whole London thing, even though she had slightly forgiven me. I sighed and rocked slightly in my seat. The boys were all eyeing me.

"What?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"You look like you're going crazy." Calum laughed. I shrugged and wiped my very sweaty palms on my knees. I was probably going to throw up when I saw her, this would probably turn out to be a disaster and she would hate me even more. I groaned and looked out of the plane window.

"Don't worry, Mikey." Ashton said and nudged my shoulder. Easier said than done.

The plane had landed and I was on the verge of having a panic attack. This was payback for me being an ass in London. My legs wobbled when I stood up, but I managed to follow the boys off of the plane. I trailed behind them into the airport towards where the luggage comes out. We were all looking around to see if we could spot her anywhere. No one had said anything so I assumed no one had found her. I was growing even more anxious, she said she would be here. What if she didn't come to get back at me and she didn't want to work things out. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, she had to be here. We picked up our bags and started making our way through the airport, there were groups of fans who wanted to take pictures with us. I tried smiling in a few pictures but it wasn't working out, I looked constipated because I was so nervous. I just stuck to sticking my tongue out. We continued walking until Ashton stopped and yelled.

"Kelsey!" He screamed. I immediately froze up, my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out. Or throw up, maybe both. I turned my head to where he was looking and I saw her. My breath hitched in my throat as she walked over to Ashton with a huge smile. She gave him a hug and said something, but I couldn't make it out. I was too busy staring at her. She looked beautiful, not that she didn't always look great, it was just that after being away from her for a month was making me appreciate how gorgeous she actually is. The way her eyes scrunched up when she smiled, and the way her lips moved when she talked was mesmerizing. It was like I was seeing her again for the first time. She had given Calum and Luke hugs, and was now looking at me. I managed to take a few steps forward until I was right in front of her. I let go of my bag and wrapped my arms around her. She smelled like the vanilla body spray she always used, and I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck. She had wrapped her arms around my waist, and her cheek was pressed against my chest. I felt like I was going to cry, how manly. I had cried too much lately.

"I missed you." I whispered against her neck.

"I think I missed you more." She said, her voice muffled from her face being against my chest. I couldn't help but smile. I leaned back and looked down at her face, I either grew or she shrunk because I didn't remember her being so short, she was smiling and there was a red tint to her cheeks. I kissed the top of her head, and looked over at the boys. They were all silently cheering, and I laughed lightly. She tried removing herself from my arms, but I just spun her around so she was facing the others. I had my arms around her waist, I didn't want to let her go I just got her back I felt like if I let her go she'd disapear. Typical clingy boyfriend.

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