Chapter 10.

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It had been a week since Michael and I had started dating and things were going well. Except that Ashton still didn't know, and I wasn't exactly planning on telling him any time soon. Michael and I had to be extra careful around each other, which was extremely hard when all I wanted to do was kiss him. We were doing all this sneaking around, it was fun but it did have it's downsides. 

Calum and Luke knew about me and Michael, and they were always dropping "subtle" hints about it, I was surprised Ashton hadn't caught on yet. Or maybe he did and just wasn't saying anything, if so I'd just leave it alone and count my blessings. 

"I'm taking you out tonight." Michael whispered when Ashton was distracted. We'd all been sitting around in the living room at my house. 

"Yeah? How are we gonna pull this off?" I asked amused.

"Well first you're gonna have to climb out your window so Ashton doesn't see you leave, and then you're gonna have to do this spider man kind of thing and climb down the side of your house. Then you'll have to walk down the street to the corner where I'll be waiting looking handsome and leaning up against my car." Michael rambled.

"Is this the only plan you have?" With my coordination, there would be no way I'd be able to sneak out of my window. I'd end up falling off the roof.

"Well the boring plan is, you could say you're going to a friend's house or something. Plan one seems funner though." He pouted.

"I'll go with plan two, unless you want our date to be you taking me to the hospital with a broken leg from falling off my roof." I giggled.

"Alright fine, party pooper."

"What are you, two years old?" I hit his arm and laughed.

"Ashton she's hurting me!" Michael whined.

"Hit him some more." Ashton laughed and turned back to watching this tv.

It was like all boys were addicted to watching Family Guy. I didn't find it that funny to be honest. Just a boring cartoon. I'd rather watch Adventure Time, or SpongeBob. Still a kid a heart.

"So I'll pick you up around seven, okay?" Michael said lowering his voice. 

"Okay, is this anything fancy? Do I need a dress or anything?" I asked.

"Nope, just something casual. Like what you're wearing now." He laughed. 

I was wearing a very baggy shirt with the Fall Out Boy logo on it, since they were one of my favorite bands, and a pair of lounge shorts. Yes, I would definitely be seen in public wearing this. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back against the couch so it would recline and started watching Family Guy.


The boys had left around 5 which left me time to get ready for Michael and I's date. It was our first date, and I was more than excited.

I showered and decided to let my hair dry naturally, and picked out my favorite pair of slightly ripped skinny jeans and a crocheted white short sleeve top. 

I put on some mascara and concealer, but that was about it. Michael had seen me looking my worst, so there was no need to cake on makeup in front of him. After I was done getting ready I made my way to Ashton's room to tell him I was going to my friend Steph's house.

"Ash." I knocked on his door and let myself in.

"Yeah?" He said looking up from his laptop screen.

"I'm going to Steph's in a little, I'll be back later on."

"Alright, see ya. I'll probably be sleeping when you come back, these damn pain killers are making me kind of crazy." He laughed. 

I laughed and walked out of his room closing the door behind me. I have to admit, lying to Ashton while he was on pain medication was a lot easier than lying to him when he was all there. It would only last until the end of the month, since that's when the doctors said he'd be able to stop wearing the sling and start going to physical therapy. 

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