Chapter 17.

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"Kelsey I made food." Ashton said as he walked into my room, way to ruin a moment. The calm look on his face quickly disappeared, when he saw Michael laying next to me. "What is he doing here?" He asked through gritted teeth. Michael scratched the back of his neck nervously, and looked at me. Of course I would have to be the one to explain this whole situation.

"He came over last night." I said calmly. "He was drunk and he needed some where to stay."

"You could have left him on the couch." Ashton mumbled. 

"Nothing happened, Ashton."  Michael said quietly.

"As much as I would love to yell at both of you for being idiots, I won't because you never listen to me. So this is done with there's food downstairs." Ashton huffed and walked out of my room. That went better than expected. I looked back at Michael, who was now pale and a bit sweaty.

"If you're going to throw up, please do it anywhere except my room." I laughed. 

"Can I have some asprin now, please?" He whined. I kissed him on the cheek and made my way to the bathroom, to find some asprin. After a few minutes of looking around and moving bottles I found it and filled up a cup of water to bring back to Michael. He had his head under a pillow and his shirt was now off. I tip toed around to the side of the bed and placed the pills and water on my nightstand.

"Here." I said removing the pillow from his face. He groaned and reached over for the small pills and water. "Am I going to have to take care of baby Michael today?" I teased. He smiled and nodded. 

I sat down on the end of my bed and sighed, Ashton was right I was an idiot. Everything about this was wrong. Michael couldn't say a few cute things to me and expect everything to be alright. I don't know why I gave into it last night, I should have closed the door on him. But I couldn't, I was in too deep. I was too emotionally invested in this relationship, even though it had been doomed since the day it started. 

"Kelsey?" Michael questioned quietly.

"Yeah?" I answered blandly, I didn't bother turning around because I'd see how cute he looked cuddled up to my pillow and I'd lose my train of thought.

"Why are you being so quiet now?" The lightness of our earlier conversation had disappeared, and the tension was building.

"It's nothing, I'm going to get some food." I quickly said and got up, but Michael caught my wrist. I turned to look at him and sighed. He was confused, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked down and let go of my wrist.

"What's wrong?" He asked still looking down.

"Nothing, I just want food." I lied.


I wasn't up for the fighting just yet, so I quickly exited my room and joined Ashton in the kitchen. He had made french toast and bacon, I took some and sat down.

"So, are you guys like a thing again?" Ashton asked awkwardly.

I shook my head no, and stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"So, why did he come here drunk last night?" Ashton went on.

I shrugged my shoulders, I wasn't in the mood for this. All I wanted was to eat my food in peace. I just wanted a little bit of peace for once. Ashton got the hint and stopped asking questions after that. Michael walked down the stairs a few minutes later scratching the back of his neck. Ash tensed up and I grabbed another piece of bacon.

"Why won't you talk to me now? What happened, I don't get it what am I missing, Kelsey?" Michael asked, not caring my older brother was in the room. This conversation was going to carry out now, no matter who was in the room.

I looked over at Ashton, he was just looking at his hands. He seemed as confused and Michael was. 

"Michael, not now." I replied.

He grunted and ran his hands over his face, "Then when? Never? Because once I walk out of this door today, you won't talk to me. I know it. That's what this is all about. You don't want this, you let me in last night because you just felt bad, it was nothing else. You don't want me." He started raising his voice, and my eyes were starting to water. "I'm so stupid. No matter how many times I say sorry, it's not going to matter to you. You've made up your mind. You don't want me." He repeated. "

I was close to crying, I tried calming myself the best I could before finally speaking. "Please, I can't do this right now."

Ashton looked over at me, then at Michael and shook his head. "Kelsey, this is it. If you don't want me tell me now. There's no laters, or maybes. I've done all I can to try to make you see how sorry I am for what I did to you, but it's not working. So tell me now, do you want me to leave you alone." Michael had walked closer to me, and his stare was so intense I couldn't continue looking at him. 

There wasn't a yes, or no answer in my head. I had no idea what I wanted from him. I knew I was still angry. so angry, with him about what had happened at the beach. But he was making a genuine effort to make it up to me. We were complete opposites, we would never work out. But I wanted him more than anything, I didn't want to be the girl that would forgive him for everything but it was exactly what I was doing.

I didn't trust him, how could a relationship work if there was no trust. He had confessed his feelings for me last night, and I still didn't know if it was true. If he did love me I couldn't bare letting him go, even after all the shitty things he's done, I still wanted him. I didn't want him to leave at least not now. I needed him in some ways, and it confused me. We didn't have a textbook relationship, and I guess that's why I liked it so much. I didn't know what was going to happen next, and it was scary but I liked it. I finally looked up at him, meeting his frantic eyes.

"One more chance, Michael." The smile that spread across his beautiful lips was enough to melt away some of my fears. 

"That's all I need, baby." I felt my cheeks heat up, when the realization that Ashton was still in the kitchen with us hit me. Michael was about to kiss me, but I pushed him back gently.

"Thank you, I might have thrown up everywhere if you didn't stop him." Ashton groaned, but he laughed shortly after. "I'm going to watch tv." He got up and moved closer to Michael, "Don't miss me too much, baby." He cooed and batted his eye lashes. I bit my lip to keep from giggling, as Michael ran a finger down Ashton's jaw.

"I'll try not to, sweety." Michael said and winked.

Everything was finally beginning to fall back into place. 



This chapter was kind of boring? I don't know how I feel about it really eeh. Should I do a playlist for each chapter or no? Idk comment or something, do any of you even read this part, it's usually just me rambling about how sorry I am for not updating frequently. BUT WOAH HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MERRY CHRISTMAS I DIDN'T GET TO SAY THAT YET SO THERE IT IS. I HOPE 2014 TREATS YOU ALL NICELY.

Okay here is a long apology for me not updating for OVER A MONTH. I had writers block, and I had no clue what to write for this chapter. It was bothering me for a while, but now here I am at 3:44 in the morning and I just finished up this chapter wow. THERE ARE SO MANY READS ON THIS STORY I LITERALLY SQUEAL LIKE A PIG WHEN I CHECK HOW MANY READS THERE ARE IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE MY WRITING. Thank you for being patient for an update, I'll try not to wait a month for the next one. I'm hoping, no promises, to update again later today or over the weekend. I also get really excited when you guys comment, I read them all! Thank you for all the votes and support, I really appreciate all of you that read this. Vote and comment and whatever because that's really cool and it makes me happy ok.

-xoxo A

can I sign off like that bc my names Amanda or?

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