Letter 1.2 (Liam)

730 37 20

Hello Zayn,

Wow, your name is... different. Definitely something I’ve never heard before (insert smiley face here)

And alright, I’ll play, though I must warn you: I’m not all that interesting to be quite honest.

Name: Liam James Payne

Age: 18, turning 19 August 29th

My favorites, I suppose:

Color: Purple ( too girly?)

Food: Chocolate! ( can that be considered a food? Well, it is now :) )

Show: Well, its been awhile since I’ve really watched a good show, but from what I can remember I really liked to watch just about any show on the Disney Channel. (too childish? *sigh* like I said, I’m not all that interesting)

Animal: Turtle! I actually used to have two. They’ve sort of died since then...

Hobbies: Well, being in the armed forces, my hobbies include un-loading and re-loading, running, ducking for cover, and defending. But I also enjoy a bit of singing whenever I can find the time to (:

Book: I’ve recently just began reading An Abundance of Katherines by the same John fellow! Small world after all, right?

Movie: Well, I’ve sort of had a thing for Toy Story ever since it came out for the first time, and the entire trilogy is sort of my favorite!

Song: Well, its hard for me to choose, but I’d have to say Mirrors. Its beautiful to me.

Other: Well I’m in the military (duh, haha) and I’ve only been here for about a year. Yup, fresh out of college, I was. Its been a bit rough adjusting to my new life here, but well, I didn’t really have much of a choice, I suppose. Safaa? That’s a really beautiful name, Zayn. …. As is your own...

Ummm, sorry, was that not right to say? Okay. I’m stopping that now.

P.S. I just... I was wondering... I hope you don’t think I’m prying in your life or anything, but I couldn’t help but notice you kept using past tense with all your family members? And why does your little sister need you? I hope I’m not crossing any boundaries by asking.

P.P.S Thanks for taking the time to write me. Its been quite sometime since I’ve heard from anyone on the “outside”, haha. This really... it means alot to me.

Your soldier,




A/N: AHHHH! I feel like Jay did a REALLY good impression of Liam here! I love this! Be expecting the next part (Zayn) soon! So, yeah go follow her for this amazing Liam letter!

~Vero x

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now