Letter 8.2 (Liam)

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Dear Zayn,

You’re my boyfriend now, no? So they should respect that. Just last week, one of my buddies was caught having Skype sex with his girlfriend, and well, after that, we’ve allowed a lot to slide, so no need to worry (:

No when you’re the butt of them -.-

*sigh* Will I forever have to undergo your constant self hate, if you could call it that? When I finally get the chance to come down there to you all, God, I’ll show you, more than probably needed, just how strong you can be… in multiple ways...so many times… until you finally believe it. I swear it.

No, no, you’re safe. For me, and with me. Even though we’re almost worlds apart, you’re so safe here *points to chest*. Guaranteed.

I’ve blushed at a piece of paper. That’s another level of charmer you’ve got going for you, Zayn.

Oh really?! You’ve considered it! Oh yes, yesyesyesyes, I’ll take proper care of it, I promise you!

Well you know what? He was stupid, foolish, and idiotic for doing that. Anyone who can’t see your worth, your beauty, your capability of being so much more than worthy, is truly...well, a fucking idiot. And I’m glad you say that, because no doubt I feel the exact same way...and when I actually get to you… well… *tries to wink seductively and most likely fails*

Actually...uhmm… you’re my first real relationship. Or, my first relationship period, really. I’ve never really done this before, so I’m just trying to do this little by little.

Oh Zayn, babe, you’ve got me completely smitten. I agree… totally. If it hadn’t been for Safaa, I don’t know if I would’ve ever found the amount of happiness that I have… tell her I say thank you , haha <3

Bye, love….. I love you, and I can’t wait ‘till I finally see you… maybe sooner than you think.

Your Soldier, L.J.P (a.k.a Stitch)


A?N: Yoooo!! Jay did it, babes! She wrote this and yes, I love it!!! Hehe!!! This is for Carter for being my fwend!!! ^.^

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