Letter 7.2 (Liam)

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Dear Zayn.

Babe, you worry entirely too much, yeah, they need their rest and all that… but I’m talking to you… so they should understand that, yeah?

And well… define shit? They kind of, uhmm. A lot of sex jokes. Penis and all that. They’re nice, yeah… but no.

Oh thank God, because with my awkward, nerd-like tendencies, well, I just kind of assumed that you’d tire of me sooner than I would’ve liked. Thanks for proving me wrong, Zayn.

Zayn, you’ve become an anchor for me, you know. I can’t fathom even the thought of not hearing from you, or not writing you, or not giving you peace of mind. And what you showed her is the exact example she needs in her life. You’re showing her that things get hard and you’ll want to just fall and crumble and remain broken. But you can’t. You cry for a moment and allow yourself to wallow in self pity, and then you get back up and continue on, stronger than ever. That’s what you’re showing her, Zayn. That is the perfect example. And alright, no more funeral talk *smiles*. But Zayn, listen. You can’t keep putting yourself down, alright? I’ve told you this before, and I’ll keep saying it until you finally believe me: You are perfect, you are worthy, you are good enough. And I’ll be damned if someone ever makes you think otherwise.

Who said I didn’t like the idea of being with you? I don’t consider that being “stuck”, I consider it being… safe. And was that okay to say? I’m not going anywhere, babe. Promise.

I was so worried I just pulled the wrong move by giving you a little pet name, because I didn’t know if it was too soon, I didn’t think you’d like it, and I just. I’m rambling again.

Are you kidding me? When I finally got your letter in the mail, after the postal service being held up and backed up with about 3 months worth of mail, I literally jumped in the air and kissed the envelope. I held it to my chest, Zayn. So yes, Stitch, I do get very excited (:

What about a puppy? I think I can do a bit better with something like that, please? *does puppy dog face* (and yes, I managed to snap a picture of me doing just that) (A/N: Pic on the side?!)

You can never regret finding happiness, love. Ever.

You understand why he did? Well, that makes one of us. You are so perfect, God. You don’t even get it. I could care less about the fact that I’m getting highly sappy and sentimental, because you need to know this: You’re beautiful. And no, I don’t mean in the girly “ omg, you’re so beautiful?” type of way. I mean… seeing you on Skype,and just writing these letters, and knowing about you what all I do, I can see your beauty and. And I love that it seems to shine brightest with me…

Zayn, I know you just did not ask me out through a Letter. And then go and call it not romantic, and stupid and what not. Zayn… yes. I’m not sure how this is going to work, and I don’t know how to even relationship. But I’ll figure this out with you as we go along, if you’ll let me?

Zayn, you’re all that I want right now. Jesus fucking Christ, yes.

I.. I love you too, Zayn. Yeah, I think I do a lot, actually….


Stay beautiful, Your Soldier/Boyfriend,




A/N: YO MUDAFUCKAS!!!! I updated this, okay? Jay wrote it and it's updated and I love her, kay?! I tried to put the pic on the side, but idk how that worked, I'll see in a bit!


Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat