Letter 7 (Zayn)

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Dear Liam,

So after the whole Skype thing between us, I have officially decided that we can't Skype anymore. We're entirely too loud and your friends need to rest. So, no more Skype for us.

But I did have a lot of fun talking to you and your mates seem nice. I hope they didn't give you too much shit?

Now, back to your previous letter:

I could never move on from you, Liam. I feel like we're connected now. I know that may sound weird, but it's true. I'm glad I'm not the only person it makes sense to, cause I don't think I could be able to handle that this far along.

I couldn't help it, Liam. I'd gotten so attached to you and I thought that you were gone for good and that I'd never get to write you again, or read one of your letters again, or see you, or anything! But like I said, never again. Safaa needs someone strong in her life to guide her and help her through. The last thing she needs is the example I set for her, so I have to stop setting it. Because she deserves so much more than that. And can we NOT talk about your funeral? I hate that subject a lot. We just have to be positive and not think about the risks. You're gonna make it out alive, come and live with Safaa and I, and we're gonna be a big, happy family! Okay? You'll be good for Safaa, way better than I am.

Well, lucky for you, you are most definitely needed here. And now you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not. *evil laugh* But if you want to go, you can?

And this is where you'll get a real feel for how pathetic and stupid I am because, YOU JUST CALLED ME BABE! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT AND I SOUND SO GIRLY BUT I DON'T EVEN CARE CAUSE YOU CALLED ME BABE! Okay, sorry, I'm finished. That was so weird but I had to, couldn't hold it in...

You're lying! You don't get that excited over me, right? Cause why would you? Me being excited over you makes sense, but vice versa? No, it doesn't add up! Don't lie to me and get my hopes up for nothing, Lilo!

Just let me know when your base has holiday and I'll make sure everything is set right and good enough for you to come here! Safaa and I are really looking forward to it, Liam.

Yeah, those turtles are out of the deal. You don't need to deal with animals, you can barely deal with yourself and now you've added me to the mix. No animals for you for a while.

Okay, yay. I thought you meant meeting me was a regret. I was so hurt for a bit.

Me having bad confidence makes sense. If there were a reason for me to have good confidence, I wouldn't be single right now. Do you know my last boyfriend was at least two years ago? And he left me for some girl. She was gorgeous, so I understand why he did it...

P.S.- Okay, so somehow, I got this huge burst of confidence and my hand won't stop writing this so I'm gonna do this before I can force myself to back out of it. I know this is really unconventional and stupid and really not romantic and cute of anything like that, but since we both realized we stand chances with each other (I still don't see why you thought you wouldn't or how I do, but...) maybe we could make this real? Like, make us a couple? Only if you want to, though. You could be my Lilo and I'll be your Stitch (I always thought they were sort of in a relationship anyways...) But like, if you don't want to, I understand totally. Just curious. Okay, my hand is slowing down and my mind is screaming at me to redo this letter and not put this in it, so I'm gonna go now. Love you, Liam! Bye!

~Stitch/Zaynie Poo



A/N: Aww, yes! I missed writing this story! So now it's finally started back up and I hope you guys like this! What do you think about Zayn asking Liam to be 'with him'? Feedback would be nice! Love you guys!

Dedicated to @betterthanwords27 cause I love him a lot and he's awesome!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now