Letter 3 (Zayn)

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Dear Liam,

Chocolate is a very serious subject. I fully understand your view on chocolate. *nods head slowly*

So, basically you’re saying that you’re a turtle murderer? Animals are people too, ya know? Don’t just kill them, Liam!

So awkward. I bet you’re adorable when you blush. Ohhh, could you imagine a puppy blushing?! It’d be the cutest thing EVER!!! Sorry, got distracted!

Wow. A man who fights for our country thinks I’m brave. Thanks for that, but I’m sure you’d think different if you’d seen how much I cried then. It was enough water to hold two Shamus… I get emotional easily when it comes to my family. And you’re right, no one should have to live through that. I would never wish that on even my worst enemy…

But anyways,if you consider me strong for that, a whole new word needs to be invented to describe you. Then you need to win the Nobel Peace Prize. That is… something, Liam. I don’t even know how to explain the way that made me feel. You’ve definitely had it worse than I did. You’re too nice (and cough, beautiful, cough!) (what, who said that?!) to have had to deal with that. I don’t even know them, but already I don’t like your parents. Sorry if that was crossing the line.

And I guess I should kinda be thankful that you were put in this position or else I wouldn’t have met you. But I’d rather know what I’m missing out on (an amazing person) and have your life been better than it was, than to have it turn out like this. But it is what it is and we can’t change the past, so we’ll just have to go with it…

(Yes, that was amazing flirting. I’m blushing. You have a nice scruffy face, as well!)

P.S.- Same. I wouldn’t dare end this. You’re awesome and I need a friend and you seem as good as any, probably even better than most!

P.P.S.- I’m gonna call you LiLi now and there’s nothing you can do or say to stop me! Ha! *evil laugh*

P.P.P.S.- Zaynie is fine. Safaa may get mad though… She just ran in and read this over my shoulder and said she won’t. And that you’re cute. Safaa is crazy. (I’m not saying you aren’t cute or anything.) (I mean, you are...)

God, now I’m making an arse outta myself, as well! Well, until next time LiLi! *wink*

~Zaynie Poo (Safaa says I have too.)



A/N: Heeyyyy! I don't know what to say. So, just gonna say, hope you guys enjoy this! I know Jay and I enjoy writing these letters, but I wanna know do you guys enjoy reading them? Comment and let me know, please? And be honest!

~Vero x

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