Letter 4.2 (Liam)

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Dear Zaynie, (you're not judging me, I hope)

For the last time, it was NOT murder.. it was simply a tragic accident. Yeah, it was that. That's my story and I'm forever sticking to it.

And I was right?! Wow, that made me smile... maybe I am a superhero or something...

And Zayn, look, crying isn't a sign of weakness, nor does it take away from me or Safaa viewing you as strong. If anything, its a sure sign of strength, because it shows you're passionate, and you care enough to honestly shed some tears and show your vulnerability. To be able to do that, in my eyes, is noble and to be considered hero status (:

And yeah, I honestly couldn't handle the guilt I felt staying there. Although they said it was no big deal and they'd loved having me around, I couldn't shake that nagging feeling I always had that I was being a bit intrusive.

There was that and I couldn't handle the sounds they made when they- well... you know.

And thank you for determining the temperature regarding my scruff *wink*. Oh God, that was corny, wasn't it? This... this is why I'm single. I just, I'm sorry. I'm stopping. And you're NOT a weirdo, trust me... just, trust me when I say I'm a bit worse, hahaha!

P.S. I'm glad you like this friendship-not- friendship-cos- its- not- face- to- face- friendship (:

I really like it to... a lot.. And I'm sorry it took me so long to write you back, my company's been in a war simulator for the past some-odd weeks and we weren't to have contact with anyone. It was supposed to be the real deal type of training. And I never want to do that again, because it was so real and I... I really missed writing you Zaynie...

P.P.S. Apart of your ohana? I would love that, honestly. Its been awhile since I was able to truthfully say I was apart of one of those... It means a lot, so thank you Zayn.

P.P.P.S. Zayn, wow.. you're just. God you're such a beautiful human, inside and out. If only you knew how much I... nevermind, nevermind. And my blush is horrendous; it spreads all the way down my neck and I get as red as a tomato. The sight isn't pretty at all, trust me. And if anyone's the puppy here, its you, kay?

Stay beautiful, Your Soldier,

L. J. P



A/N: WOAH! This is kind of late! Sorry bout that! Jay was really busy this week! It's here now though! And I'm gonna update again Wednesday so we can get back on track! Hope you guys enjoy this! BYE!

~Vero x

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now