Letter 2 (Zayn)

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Ha, is that good different or bad different? O.o I'm gonna just assume good since a smiley face was meant to go after that bit. So, thank you! You're name is quite nice too.

Purple isn't too girly, it's actually a nice balance. CHOCOLATE! (sorry, it's the best thing EVER!) Not quite sure how a turtle can just "sort of die" instead of ALL the way die... But so sorry for your loss... I bet you have a beautiful voice to match your beautiful face! (You aren't the only one who can flirt not-so inconspicuously!) Toy Story? I've never heard of someone that's over 13 liking Toy Story, but hey, to each their own. And goodness, Mirrors is definitely in the top ten of my favorite songs ever! Justin Timberlake is quite fit! And it definitly a beautiful song!

Well, you're braver than me. I wouldn't have been so quick to accept my fate if I were to be drafted. And Safaa says thanks for the compliment on her name, as do I for mine. And actually, that was rather sweet of you so it's acceptable.

No, it's fine to ask about my family. I hope you aren't a crier though. It's quite a sad story, if I do say so myself. So, here goes:

About a year ago now, my older sister Doniya got into a huge fight with my parents about being out past curfew with her boyfriend, who my parents already weren't fond of. And the day of the fight, her and my parents didn't speak the whole time and she locked herself in here room. We didn't see her all day and no one went to bother her, we figured everythong would be okay after a while. But late that night my we still hadn't seen or heard her upstairs, so my parents went to check on her and talk about the situation. When they went up, they found out she wasn't there and she'd left a note saying she was going to her boyfriends house and she'll be back in a few days when everything blew over. My parents asked my two younger sisters and I did we know where to find her and only Waliyah did, so they took her out with them to go find Don. We waited a long time for them to call when they found her and were on the way home like they promised, but they never did. Instead, a few hours later, there was a knock on the door and when Safaa and I opened it, we saw Doniya and two police officers. We thought she'd gotten into trouble with her douchebag boyfriend so we told them that we'd call out parents and they'd come deal with her. Then Don ran upstairs and the police told us that Waliyah and our parents had been hit by a drunk man driving an 18-wheeler and they'd all died on impact. Don was back because the crash had actually been right in front of her boyfriends house and she'd went out to see what was going on and noticed it was our parents. So the officers left and I just sat down on ther couch and held Safaa while she cried until she fell asleep. Then after a while, Don came back down and tried to talk to me, but I was livid and basically chewed her head off. I told her the whole thing was her fault and that if she wasn't such a disobedient whore, we'd still have our parents. She said I was a dick and that she was leaving to move to the States with Greg (her dickhead boyfriend). Then she went back to her room and about an hour later, Greg pulled up with a moving truck and took most of her stuff from her room and she left without saying anything to me or Safaa. Course, when Safaa woke up, I had to explain why Doniya wasn't gonna come back and she cried even harder. Since that day, me and Safaa have been everything to each other. It's always me and her, no one else. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but it is what it is. We have each other and that's all that matters!

And that is how I became an 18 year father of sorts... God, I hope I didn't over share... But anyway, hope that wasn't to depressing for ya... And now, since I told you my story, I think it's only fair if you tell me yours?

And don't mention it! You seem like you'll be really awesome to talk to.

P.S. You look like a puppy! I like puppies...

~Zaynie Poo (Safaa calls me that and told me to sign it like that)



A/N: This may very well be the end of this fic. I'm just not feeling it anymore, what with the "Zerrie engagement" and Liam and Sophia thing. Today was not a good day to be a Zayn and Liam girl and a hardcore Ziam shipper. So, as far as this story seeing another chapter, I don't know if that'll happen. It may, but I don't know. Sorry.

~Vero x

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now