Letter 8 (Zayn)

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Dear Lilo (hehe),

I mean, I guess, but still. I don't want them slacking and getting in trouble because of us, or rather, me...

Ha, penis jokes! Those are always nice, yeah?

Damn you, Liam. Damn you and your ability to make me all blushy right now! But seriously, I keep fucking up, Liam! I have to get strong for her, if I don't, she's gonna think the way to live right is to just cry over everything, but that gets you nowhere and she deserves to go everywhere... I just have to show her that she can. And I will. I won't let her down again, really this time!

Safe. For once in my life, I'm safe... Either you're crazy, or you really think that I'm the safe option. Probably the first, cause I'm sure I'm far from safe!

Yes, it's okay! It's beyond okay, it's amazing! And I hate you for making me act like a prepubescent teenaged girl... And your rambling is cute!

You're killing me, Liam! Well, Lilo! You are now forever dubbed Lilo, okay? But seriously, stop, (Or don't, I don't mind!)

A puppy, that could definitely work, maybe... We'll see, Liam. You better take care of it, too! Promise?

I blame you for all of my troubles in life, you know? You make me so sappy and feminine and girly and you should stop that! It's not good for my health! And no, I'm far from beautiful in any way or perfect at all... In fact, I'm the exact opposite of both. If I was, would he have left me for a girl after he said he was gay? I'm almost positive he knew that I liked him a lot and only got with me for sex, cause after we did that a few times, he left and never said anything else to me, other than a few snide remarks when he caught me looking at the two of them together in school... And it shines bright with you because you bring out the best in me, without even being here! It makes me wonder how it'll be when you're actually here...

You don't know how to 'relationship', Liam? Really? I highly doubt that. You're probably an expert on relationshipping by now, yeah? Yeah. But holy hell, I can't even explain how happy I am right now that you said yes, like, what even? That makes two of us, we just have to let this play out as we go, but I think maybe we can definitely do it!

I didn't know it before, but you're all I think I've ever wanted/needed, Liam. Honestly, yeah... Having Safaa do this thing was the best thing to happen to me in so long, ever, basically... I don't know if this is gonna be weird or what, but I love you, too. And I think I have for a while, Liam...

P.S.- Yeah, that looks amazing, and probably sounds even better!

Bye, babe!

Stitch/Zaynie Poo (Safaa still makes me put it! -.-)



A/N: Yeah, I know the date is weird here, but I wanted to double update today to say thank you for the waiting patiently and other things, as well as celebrate the return of my bestie!!!

Dedicated to Rain cause I love her and she's writing a fan fic about me/Rae and her/Sam! Tae/Sainy fics, yeah!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now