Letter 6 (Zayn)

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I don't think you can even begin to understand the relief and joy I felt when I got this letter! It's been absolutely too long! And I agree, the way I've missed you makes no sense because what sense does it make to miss someone when you've never seen them except for a single picture, never heard their voice, only seen their writing? It makes no sense at all, yet it makes perfect sense!

I honestly could care less that you broke that promise, the important part is that you're back! And it was for good reason, so no need to apologize. And I am so, so very sorry about your friend. It must be horrible, to lose the one person in your life that means something to you, especially after you've lost everyone else? This may sound selfish and inconsiderate, but I hope I never lose you, Liam. I was so lost for this past month because I thought that maybe you'd... y'know... And it wasn't a pretty sight. And I broke my promise to Safaa. I told her that after last time, she'd never have to see me like that again. But she did. And it was backwards, because she took care of me. I'm meant to be taking care of her, but instead it was the other way around. That makes me feel terrible, that I put her in that position again, at such a young age. But never again. I don't care what life throws at us, I won't ever do that to her again.

And even if it did happen again, it's your job. And I'm too attached now, I wouldn't be able to even fathom having this sort of connection with anyone else but you... God, I sound so clingy. I promise I'm not... That much anyway...

Now, as for your questions:

1.) Do you bore me?! Hell no, you don't! If you did, I wouldn't look forward to your letters the way I do! Safaa says that whenever I get a letter from you, my face lights up. And when I read it, I smile non-stop. And while I write back, I look happier than I have in ages... Safaa has a really vivid imagination... But there may be some truth to that. (Hope that's not creepy...?!)

2.) Of course I find you interesting! Refer to the previous answer for proof! (Kind of.)

3.) I've actually been wondering the same exact thing lately. I don't have the money to fly Safaa and I out there... And I doubt it's a place to visit anyways... How about this? You don't have anywhere to go when you get a holiday, right? Well, come here. Safaa has been asking a lot about you, I think she'd really enjoy having you here! And so would I. I mean, if you don't want to, I understand. But the offer is there. Let me know, yeah? And how about we Skype? I think it would be lovely to finally get to see more than a single picture? If you're up for it, add me on Skype (zjmalik0112) and send me your Skype name in your next letter and we'll set it up, yeah?

4.) Do I think about you... *scoffs* A hell of a lot, actually. I mean, honestly, a lot more than I should. And I really kind of wish that my hand would stop writing things that my brain wants to keep hidden, but then again I don't mind that it does this. But yeah, I think about you alot. *sings* I been thinkin bout ya! Do you think about me still? (That song is literally playing as I write you this letter cause I think about you so much!) (Nah, I'm joking, Safaa is listening to it really loud in her room. But still!)

5.) FUCKING HELL YES YOU COULD AND DO!!! (Damn hand has a mind of its own!) But uhh, yeah, there's no denying it. You stand a HUGE chance. I should be the one asking you do I stand a chance with YOU! So, do I? Cause you definitely do with me... Gosh, I'm creepy and weird and clingy and blehk...

That's possibly the sweetest thing anyone's ever told me... To know that you thought about me so much, it's nice to know I'm not the only one doing that. And I really hope I didn't cause you TOO big of a distraction, y'know, anything fatal... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i did... And thanks for the whole cheekbones and face bit! That really boosted my confidence! Which is actually really low...

And if that's the skill and charm the average 90 year old mental patient has, then they are well off! Cause your skill and charm are... amazingly... amazing... To say the least!

The whole awkward regrets babbling thing you did was cute. But I hope meeting me (kind of...?) isn't THAT big of a regret... Cause I know meeting you (kind of...?) definitely wasn't a regret for me. It was a relief actually! I think it was much needed...

Love you to, Liam! (Same rambling thing you did cause it's complicated!) But of course, as long as you do the same, beautiful! *awkward wink* (I'm a bad winker...)

~Stitch/Zaynie Poo



A/N: This was gonna be posted tomorrow, but I just really wanted to get it out tonight so... HERE IT IS!!! Let me know what you think? Please? I never get that much feedback and I'd like to know what people think... But anyways, here ya go and thank you so very much!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now