Letter 10.2 (Liam)

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I shall forever make fun of your terrible ability, or lack thereof, to wink. And God… that pouty face...your bottom lip...wow. There are so many ways I want to see your face. So many faces I bet you could make, Skype or not (; (now THAT, my dear Zayn, is proper teasing).

Always, just for fun.

I’m glad you’re FINALLY not being so reluctant to listen to me anymore ,babe. And noooooo, wait until I see YOU. Just wait ‘till I get my hands on you, I swear I’m never letting go.

Honestly, I haven’t experienced happiness like this in a LONG time, Zayn. I don’t know how it’s possible either, honestly. But I can spend as long as you’ll allow me to figure it out, if you’ll let me.

Well, I’m glad, and I don’t mind. I think confusion looks adorable on you, babe. <3

I make plenty of sense in my comparisons, thank you very much, sir.

I’m sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry, I just...it reminded me of it, so I just couldn’t NOT do it… Sorryyyyyyy.

Well, that was then and you’re my now, and I’m no longer focusing on it, so i don’t want you to either, okay, Zayn?

Okay, then its a date (: Tell Safaa I can’t wait to see her!

I love you, Stitch, bye, see you later!


Your Soldier



A/N: Cheeky Liam! Mhmm, love it alot!

Hope you guys have fun with this!

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