Letter 9.2 (Liam)

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I remember you saying you’re a bad winker babe, that’s alright. I adore you all the same, fucked up eye wink or not (: And uhmm… Skype sex isn’t totally out of the question...for the record…

Hahaha, it’s okay babe, I always make sure that they’re not going too far, promise.

As much sense as that makes to you, it makes none to me, because to me you’re perfect. Pure perfection. And honestly, looking back on it, that DID sound so sexual, but I didn’t mean it like that ...entirely…

And honestly, Zayn, if that’s all we can do for now, then I’m willing to do it because its you. Babe, we’re gonna just figure everything out as we go along, remember? I’m not giving up on this… on you. Kay?

The fact that you’re ridiculously lost is so endearing, you don’t even know… wow..

Okay, see, with dogs, to me, they’re about as close as you can get to caring for a human, without actually caring for a human, so because of that, I’m not gonna let this one slip away from me, PROMISE! Just say yes, babe. Pleaseeeee? *does puppy dog face*

And I honestly can’t wait to GET to you… sooner than you might think (; And I hate to ruin the sexy time thing we have going on here, but reading that, the first thing that came to my mind was “ Can you feel it Mr. Krabs, can you feel it Mr. Krabs?”, oh my gosh I have to stop watching cartoons, I am so sorry, I don’t know what that just was, Jesus.

But I quite like it too <3

Well… growing up the way I did made me highly reclusive. I mean, yeah, I was a little sociable here and there, but that was only when I absolutely had to be. I had trust issues, I was ridiculously shy, but the army broke me of that…. and well, here we are :3

Wow… I owe a lot to Safaa, don’t I? I mean, after all… I wouldn’t be with you if she never did what she did… I’m treating her to ice cream the first night I’m there… both of you, actually. Would that be alright? It wouldn’t be just the most proper date… but its something, right?

All I’m gonna tell you is this: You’ll be seeing your soldier SOON. Be ready.

I love you, Zayn.

Your Soldier/ Lilo



A/N: Day four, part two! Happy anniversary to me!

Letters «Ziam AU» *CoWritten with @JAY122096* [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now