Letter 5 (Zayn)

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Dear Lilo, (I told you I wasn’t gonna judge you!)

Okay. I’ll buy you more. But no more ‘tragic accidents’!

Okay. I’m strong. And passionate. And a hero. And not weak. And caring. And vulnerable… And noble. And smile inducing. And wierd and rambly…! Sorry!

I’m sure they really did want you there. And had sex, Liam. It’s not that hard to say. Sex is not a bad thing… It’s nice. Especially when there’s sound effects! Hehe! *Insert winky face*

Haha! I don’t get why you’re single. Any would be lucky as hell to have you. You’re corny, adorable, and a sexy, scruffy puppy man! Oi! I didn’t say that! Damn pen and messy lines.

P.S.- Liam! Stop being so damn adorable and making me blush! Or don’t. But I hope you never have to do that again! I missed getting your letters. I felt so lonely and friendless. Goodness, that sounded pathetic. Well, looked pathetic since neither of us can hear this. Speaking of hearing, I bet you have a really nice voice. All low and seductive and stuff. Mmmm…. MEHHHH! I hate my fucking brain for making me write stuff without thinking first. Ignore that. So sorry.

P.P.S.- And same. About it being a while since either of us have had an ohana. God, I never really think about this, I try to block it out because, even though you said it’s okay, I hate crying. Especially in front of Safaa. And I can’t at night because she might hear me and I don’t need that. It kills me when she wants to talk about them and cries. I love her so much and her being sad is the worst thing in the world because she just doesn’t deserve that. She’s such a nice person, Li. She gives homeless people the money she has to buy ice cream with. She loves going to the community center to do volunteer work. She’s the perfect little girl and she has to deal with this pain and someone this fucking broken. I can’t let her continue to live like this, she deserves better. I don’t know what to do...

Sorry about the tear stains up there. I got emotional and had to take a break from writing. Sorry. And yeah, I think we both need a new try at this family thing. So we’re family. Me, you, and Safaa! That’s all I need!

P.P.P.S.- No, I’m not a puppy! You are! And even all red, you’d still probably be really fucking sexy. ARGH! Bye, before I make an even bigger ass out of myself!

Bye Lilo! Hehe!

~Stitch/Zaynie Poo



A/N: Awwww, Zaynie Poo! My babies all emotional! And suggestive! ;) Hmm... I wonder. Thanks for being so patient and reading! Love you all! Stay beautiful!

~Vero x

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