the signs dealing with crying people

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aries: please stop?????? stop??
taurus: okay but.... it could be worse
gemini: you're just overreacting okay it'll be fine
cancer: *is the one crying*
leo: i am so uncomfortable right now...
virgo: *backs away slowly*
libra: aw honey don't cry! you're too pretty to cry!
scorpio: who do i have to kill? what happened? i swear i'm gonna go to jail.
sagittarius: this is so #emotional
capricorn: wtf? gross? your eyes are... raining?
aquarius: #no
pisces: *does something funny to try and help*

i found this on tumblr idk.

i seriously would kill someone if i saw one of my best friends crying

*cough cough* JackieWinters42 The_Little_Spoon allisonargxentt   and other people who aren't on wattpad *cough cough*

ily all

xoxo ♏️

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