the signs as selfish/selfless

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aries selfish: babies of the zodiac. they have a hard time understanding any needs that differ from their own - sometimes, like a child who screams all night long even though mommy is tired, other people's feelings don't exist to them

aries selfless: will throw themselves headfirst into battle if someone has threatened or wounded you in any way

taurus selfish: collects material, financial, and spiritual wealth for keeps - there will be no trading, there will be no donating, there will be no sharing.

taurus selfless: genuinely cares about your feelings and will do their best to fix any bad situations for you, or at least hold you tight and protect you with their love until the bad time is over

gemini selfless: will go anywhere with you, learn anything with you, talk about anything with you, anytime

gemini selfish: only does all of this because it's interesting to them, or because it appeals to their core values and desires. a bored gemini will drop you immediately

cancer selfless: nurtures and soothes you when your heart is hurting - will take you in and look after you if you're lost/displaced/in need of a home, at least for a time

cancer selfish: only does this because their natural empathy causes their heart to ache by association. they soothe you to self-soothe.

leo selfish: craves the spotlight, will push their friends aside if center stage is getting too crowded, can hurt others just to keep emotions and attention running high

leo selfless: puts you on a golden pedestal, sprinkles rose petals around you, casts their sunshine on you and roars from the roof tops about how much there is to admire about you. of course, one could argue that this is because they view you as a sort of possession, so admiration of you is, by extension, admiration of them...

virgo selfless: fixes all of your problems for you, takes care of all of your basic, practical needs when you're struggling to

virgo selfish: only does this because it allows them to sit proudly on an angelic high horse - yes, how beautifully helpful they are, aren't they just too precious to lose or be without...admire them...they're up high enough for everyone to be able to see, even if the crowds are thick...

libra selfless: mediates, harmonizes, restores balance and peacefulness in turbulent situations

libra selfish: only does this because they can't stand the daydream-shattering effect that conflict has on their pretty, pink, romantic candyfloss fantasies

scorpio selfless: will listen closely to your problems, ask you earnestly about your past, will truly and deeply attempt to understand you like no one ever has before

scorpio selfish: only takes this approach toward others because people are puzzles that just must be sussed out...because, well, how can you gain the strategic advantage if you don't know them just as much as they won't ever know you?

sagittarius selfless: will happily take any willing participants with them on their gallivants through the winding roads of life, both physical and spiritual, and do it all with a smile and a warm, open affect

sagittarius selfish: will absolutely leave you behind if you attempt to distract them from their quest for knowledge via experience with sentimentalities, emotions, or hesitancy - will drop you the second you remind them that they'll never know anything if they don't first know the deep/"dark" side of themselves that prior sign scorpio is so well-acquainted with

capricorn selfish: a naturally calculating, ambitious, and security-craving nature gives way to a character prone to stepping on the heads of friends to get closer to the top of the mountain than their competitors have

capricorn selfless: will share the status they acquire with their mate and family, undoubtedly, and will help them achieve their goals, as well. you may make the same argument that we made for leo here, though...perhaps capricorn only does this in an attempt to create a well-oiled money-making-machine out of those who love them enough to share such things with them...maybe this is all just another scheme to generate wealth

aquarius selfless: will have the patience and take the time to teach the human beings who have wrecked their precious, beautiful earth so savagely about living a better, purer life...they will stoop to our level and impart to us their otherworldly wisdom and starry, idealistic blueprints for utopia despite all the violence we've caused and harm to ourselves and our home we've done

aquarius selfish: will be able to grit their teeth and help humans only when they commit to the belief that they're forever above humans, smarter than them all, more moral - they must bear us to save us, and then they will be revered by us

pisces selfless: will throw themselves into the depths of other people's damaged souls and do their very best to save them, regardless of what it costs them. every life is precious except their own, it seems, which, to a pisces, exists for no clear reason, as everything around them is pain and suffering and they struggle to feel like they belong in it at all

pisces selfish: dives into the lives of others to escape their own confusing, difficult lives - their intentions are not as pure as they make them out to be, and they refuse to confront or accept this fact

remember, everyone's in the middle somewhere - no one is totally selfless/totally selfish. so whenever you're acting selfish/acting selfless... is this what you do?

xoxo ♏️

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