a tag thing

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i was tagged by Papajohn405 for this
tag thing and so i'll do it because it's only fair. #mercuryinlibrabelike

bold - questions

italics - answers

would you rather be a chicken or a unicorn?

i'm already a unicorn tbh

run 5 miles or play sports for the next 6 months every day?

run 5 miles because then i get it all over with at once

what's your favorite ice cream flavor?

mint chocolate chip/chocolate chip cookie dough (i can't decide!)

what are the five things you hate the most?

1: people who think they know what's best for me
2: people who tell me how to feel or what to think
3: people who think they're better than me (like lol you're not beyoncé)
4: people who smile to my face that actually hate me
5: people who try to manipulate me

these are all people lol.... but those are my top five things i hate 😂😂😂

do you like spongebob?

ehhhh it's okay but it's not my favorite thing ever tbh

favorite sport?

none of the above

favorite subject?

dramaaaaa! i've got a lead in the school play and i feel like such a triple threat rn (i sing, i dance, and now i act!) can i just be beyoncé now😂😂

least favorite subject?

math. i'm good at it, but i hate it sm

your crush's zodiac sign?

i have two potential crushes (I SAID POTENTIAL BC I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THEM YET) one is a scorpio and one is a pisces

do you like chicken noodle soup?

kinda i guess? but it's definitely not my favorite food in the world

favorite number?


least favorite zodiac sign?

i have the most problems with geminis, leos, and libras, but it really isn't just the sun sign that makes me dislike someone

favorite season?

both fall and winter are my faves! especially winter because christmas time is my favorite time of the year!

now i have to come up with 13 questions for whoever i tag to answer!

1: would you rather be a monarch or the president?

2: what's the best book you've ever read?

3: cats, dogs, or both?

4: do you like shopping?

5: what's your prized possession?

6: what's your favorite movie?

7: what do you think happens when you die?

8: if reincarnation is real, who do you think you were in a past life?

9: if you could be famous, what would you want it to be for?

10: what do you think is the best thing about your personality?

11: what do you want to do with your life?

12: what is the biggest problem in society today?

13: who inspires you the most?

okay now i have to tag 13 people. i'm just gonna tag some of my random followers:

Teenageyoutubeaddict andriadancer galaxy_donut Cherryyy_x Gasohline -BuBbLy- -Lotus_ JadedMelodies sk8terballerina Galaxy__Freak gaby3193 OfficPromiseRose Palace13

also thank you guys so much for 12k! i'm so so so so SO sorry i haven't been active lately, but school has kept me super busy! always remember that ily all!

xoxo ♏️

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