the signs as left brain/right brain dominant

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Aries ~ Right Brain
is imaginative, instinctive, creatively expressive, passionate, vibrant, and spontaneous. much of their life is approached through the realm of dream, impulse, and curiosity. however they can reign in on the left, considering they appreciate factual experience to call upon and black and white conviction

Taurus ~ Left Brain
taurus is an earth sign and prefer logic, strategy and evidence to base conviction upon. they operate with organization and cohesive, formulated plans. however taurus can reign in on the right, they can apply the creative to problem solving and typically have a high creative intelligence, especially for music and design

Gemini ~ Right/Left Brain
gemini is a sign of duality and focuses on fusing right and left brain functioning. on one hand, geminis are logical, intelligent, book smart, and academic. they have a good factual memory and mind for learning. on the other, they are imaginative, enchanted, curious, expressive, and impulsive. gemini is the epitome of operating from left and right hemispheres

Cancer ~ Right Brain
cancers are largely creatively and emotionally based people who function based on ideals, imaginative reverie, and pure artistry. this is an exemplary emotional intelligence. however a great mind for business, and unusually so, mathematics, means cancers are very at home in the right

Leo ~ Right Brain
leo is all about creative activity, passion, vibrancy, and radiant expression. everything the leo does is approached from an artistic perspective. their incredible leadership skills however, require a strategic and cohesive left brain emphasis

Virgo ~ Left Brain
the virgo mind is a network of data, statistics, sequence, and methodical systems. virgo appreciates sheer logic, clarity, and rational approaches. much of the virgo's tremendous problem solving ability however generates from a subtly and mostly unknown about creative right

Libra ~ Right Brain/Left Brain
so the libra can achieve the perfect synthesis they aim for, aggressive calculation and impartial left brain reasoning pervades with the right brain's creative idealism and propensity for colour, form, and art. the image of balance is beautiful

Scorpio ~ Right Brain
the scorpio resides in unseen worlds, pulverized by simmering passion, evoking desire, and powerful creative intelligence. there is no logic when soaked in these unconscious fortresses. however the scorpio is very much one for cultivating truth through fierce observation, logical psychological application, and a strategic, concentrated focus, their left brain operation is also profound

Sagittarius ~ Left Brain
the sagittarius bases conviction on experience and reviewed fact. they are intelligent people who appreciate truth and a cohesive plan to achieving it. however sagittarius reigns in on the right brain, considering their tremendous intuitive imagination, expansive perspective, and radiant vibrancy

Capricorn~ Left Brain
the capricorn person is largely routine based, logical, and rational. they appreciate reason, fact, and research. capricorns operate with strategic organization and concentrated focus. they dwell in their right brain when envisaging the next dream

Aquarius ~ Left Brain
the aquarius person has a scientific approach to life and experiences. they prefer research to call upon and the notion of logic and poised judgment. the aquarius however spends much time operating from the right brain, considering their inspiring creative activity, far ranging ideas, and eccentric, expressive personality

Pisces ~ Right Brain
the pisces mind operates from an almost intoxicated, idealising fragmented motion of imagery. much of the approach to life is through the creative and the emotional. they are inspired and magical. however pisces operate with ease from the left brain, considering their remarkable duality and archetypal reservoir of qualities

i love astrolocherry sm tbh

xoxo ♏️

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