the cosmic will for the signs

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And the cosmos said to Aries
"To Aries, I leave to you in my will, my exuberant spirit, my sword crafted in crimson rubies and heaven's bleach
It can win any battle
I bequeath my fascination and awe with everything and and anything
and every happy memory from my childhood"

And the cosmos said to Taurus
"To Taurus, I leave to you in my will, my talent for making music in every form, from dance to piano and the creativity that gives light to the stars
I leave you every moment of pleasure I ever experienced and my many fortunes"

And the cosmos said to Gemini
"To Gemini, I leave to you in my will, my beautiful mind, the intellect that can grasp anything in a moment, a golden notebook that can contain a thousand thoughts a minute. How perfect for you..
Now you will have the ability to be nourished by reading so you do not have to eat or sleep"

And the cosmos said to Cancer
"To Cancer, I leave to you in my will, my ability to dream the dreams of the whole night sky
A home to you by the sea, so the ocean will sing you to sleep every night while your loved ones are close by
I leave you my divine child to raise and love, nobody can
nurture like you"

And the cosmos said to Leo
"To Leo, I leave you the complete paintbox of my creative genius, the colours and design that brought the universe to life
I leave you the Sun, so that even when you feel sad, you know that the light is yours forever
And the crown of the cosmos is yours, you are the sovereign heir, the world is your stage, so remember to always perform for me"

And the cosmos said to Virgo
"To Virgo, I leave you my intelligence and eyes, that which conceives beyond material into every finer design. Nobody else will see what you see
And my finest handiwork will be yours, I will leave you the hands I crafted with for centuries by starlight. These are filled with the minerals of healing and therapy, these can fix anything"

And the cosmos said to Libra
"To Libra, I leave you my heart, it is the most striking of all, capable of consuming and generating all love and harmony
I leave you a life of peace, one free of treachery, unkindness or dishonesty. My eye for design will be yours, the ability to bring worlds together, turn colours into rainbows, and language into poetry"

And the cosmos said to Scorpio
"To Scorpio, I leave you my sacred power, that which originated at the beginning of time, and you will visit this place often
and become acquainted with the beauty of nothingness
The most powerful healing tonic of the cosmos will be yours, ready for you when you become enlightened and aware
I leave you the ability to be reborn, like me, again and again, so you will eventually fly on this dimension"

And the cosmos said to Sagittarius
"To Sagittarius, I leave you my stories and my archives, my records and my guides, my books and libraries
All the knowledge of the cosmos will be yours
I give you every drop of bottled laughter and joy
You will hardly recognise a moment of sadness amongst the sheer delight"

And the cosmos said to Capricorn
"To Capricorn, I leave you my greatest talents and skills, I leave you my wisdom and my secret insights
My magic and mastery, and the strongest backbone at all, then you will ability to stand tall amongst any obstacle you face down there"

And the cosmos said to Aquarius
"To Aquarius, I leave you my genius, my intellectual brilliance, my ability to create worlds from pure imagination
I leave you the heavenly knowledge that you will relish to share
And I leave you the whole world to protect, every dolphin, and baby, and rainforest tree. You are my sovereign guardian. Mother Earth is your mother"

And the cosmos said to Pisces
"To Pisces, I leave you all of my dreams and vision, the canvas and paintbox that mused the universe, the ability to make art out of emotion
The whole ocean is yours, and when you submerge you will feel home, it will be nice to know, you can always visit home
I leave you everything, and most importantly, I leave you the ability to see me everytime you see yourself, so you will know that you are forever"

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