the signs and their elements

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water: consistent and even-tempered, concerned for/devoted to the welfare of others, loyal, sensitive, reliable, genuine, imaginative, idealistic: scorpio, pisces, cancer

fire: strong-willed, independent, creative, passionate, ambitious, outspoken, analyzing, resourceful, competitive, assertive: aries, leo, sagittarius

air: spontaneous, optimistic, bold, charismatic, charming, fun-loving, active, light-hearted, enthusiastic, well-organized, risk-taking: gemini, libra, aquarius

earth: hardworking, trustworthy, adaptable, hope for the best/prepared for the worst, easygoing, steadfast, self-controlled, dignified, supportive, diplomatic: taurus, virgo, capricorn

what's your sign? // a zodiac book // completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon