the rising signs' appearances

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check your rising sign!

Aries: Built like a fire, calm like an ocean with eyes that breath passion.

Taurus: Built like a tree, intense like a poem with movement that speaks happiness.

Gemini: Made of cotton candy, has a walk of ease and the appearance of mischief.

Cancer: Built like an angel, eyes made of innocence move like a beautiful bird.

Leo: Built like sunshine, glows like the moon but speaks like the stars.

Virgo: Built like snowflakes, elegant as a fairy; shines like glitter in the sunshine.

Libra: Made of happiness, eyes that show fierceness and a body filled with grace.

Scorpio: Built like wild grass in the summer, has eyes like midnight, walks like the rain, gives off secretive mysterious vibes.

Sagittarius: Made of flower petals, ambition in their walk and sass in their talk.

Capricorn: Built like a skyscraper, tough talk but such sweet eyes.

Aquarius: Built like a wind storm, neon eyes and such a wonderful bright glow.

Pisces: Built like a dream, has the feel of curiosity and the gaze of an angel.

it's funny - my eyes are blue, but my friends have told me that they still look like midnight - my scorpio rising must overpower my genetics 😂😂😂

xoxo ♏️

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