I Am Never Having Kids

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"Brooke, what did I say about pulling on people's hair?" I scolded the little girl who was yanking on my pony tail. She just looked at me, stuck her tongue out, and ran back to her other friends. 

"I am never having kids." I mumbled under my breath before plastering on a fake smile and walking over to the group of little demons. 

Before I could tell Johnny to stop eating all the glue and save some for the other kids, my mother poked her head in the doorway. "Isa, how is everything going in here?" She asked, clearly not taking into account that she made me watch these kids five days a week. Oh, and did I mention that I had to do it without pay? Jesus this woman was lucky I loved her.

"Things are just dandy, can't you tell mother?" I asked gesturing to Johnny who was now inhaling the glue as though it were his job. 

Before she could reply, I held my index finger up telling her to wait a second before turning to Johnny. "You know if you keep eating that glue, all of your organs are going to stick together?" I smirked. These kids were so gullible that they would believe anything. Like once, I told them that I was Santa's daughter, and if they were mean to me they'd be put on the naughty list. That shut them up for a couple of months before my dad came in and blew my cover.

"Really?" Johnny said, dropping his jaw. Some of the glue that was in his mouth was pouring out, and the sudden need to vomit overtook me.

"Yes really, now you better go comfort your organs and tell them not to stick together or else they will." I shrugged and turned back to my mother who was looking at me with a disapproving glare.

"Isadora." She said folding her arms over her chest. It was never good when she used my full name. Since most people pronounce it wrong, let me help you out. (Ice)-(a)-(dora). See? I can be considerate. 

"Yes mother?" I asked batting my eye lashes and trying to look as innocent as possible without making myself even more suspicious.

"You're such a compulsive liar. What am I going to do with you?" She asked with fake exasperation.

"Love me. Oh, and feed me." I smiled.

"Yea yea. I have surgery in fifteen minutes, and there's this patient I was supposed to greet for your father, but since I'm busy I was just wondering-" She smiled trying to look as sweet as possible. She knew I couldn't resist her.

"What room?" I groaned.

"117." She smiled before kissing my cheek and running down the hall.

"I expect an amazing meal tonight!" I called after her.

"We'll go out!" She said without looking back, but waving. I rolled my eyes and turned to the kids.

"I'll be back in fifteen minutes tops. If any of you do anything to this room, the boogey man will eat your eyes out." I smirked getting a loud gasp from all of the now frightened kids. "Toodles." I smiled wiggling my fingers in a small wave before closing the door behind me.

Let me catch you up. My name is Isadora Hale. Don't ask why my parents named me that, because I can't answer it. I've always despised my name, but no one else I knew had it, so I never had to wonder if someone was calling me or the girl behind me with the same name. 

My parents are both surgeons and they met when they were in residency at this hospital. My mother is a Cardiothoracic surgeon, which is just a fancy word for she works on people with heart conditions. My father is an oncologist, which again, is another fancy word for he deals with cancer patients. 

They've both saved millions of lives and blah blah blah, but they stuck me with the day care. Alright, at first it was good because I got all of my volunteer hours. But after? Absolutely terrible. The kids started getting worse, and I had to pity them. 

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