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Okay guys, I need need need to tell you guys this. Even though everyone already spreads it over and over again, I will repeat it again. I'm sorry if this affects you, but it has to be done.

Nalu is Canon. 100% Canon (;~;)

Gratsu have no chance of happening. Neither does Lolu. (Yes,  I ship Lolu. No killing me. I forbid.)

This week's episode, Etherious Natsu Dragneel appeared. (O.o) and I was like, "YES! YESSSS!!! NATSUU!!!! MY BABYYYY!!!" When suddenly. Lucy that.. that...that nasty weakling appeared too. I'm sorry for all those Lucy lovers or fans out there, but I just dislike Lucy. A lot.

Why am I saying this? You're wondering. Why I'm saying it because if Lucy never met Natsu or see him, she wouldn't be in the Fairy Tail guild, and Nalu will not be Canon. (Sorry again for all those Nalu lovers out there.)

Personally, I ship loke and Lucy together. I mean, like Loke obviously have feelings for Lucy, but instead, Nalu is frwaking Canon. Are you f*cking with me? Trollshima, why?!?!?? Now, all those non-Nalu fans will ship it, and the ship will grow more powerful than before. I'm slowly dying and it's slowly becoming more and more powerful for me to handle. I just hope that I'll quickly move on, or else I will have a existenal crisis. T^T

Just, just kill me already, don't delay the fangirls' hope of having Nashi coming out. And they all live, happily ever after. Anyway, no matter if you ship Natza, Nalu or Gruvia or other sh*t, I'll still respect your opinion on ships.

I know you guys are disappointed to find me having a rant on ships and yet you guys are waiting for me to update, so I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I just need to get some weight off my chest.

Though I don't know when I'll update. If I felt like it, I'll delay a longgggg longggg time to update. I'm in depression and now plus this Nalu thing. I'm having a war against my life purpose so bear with me a little.

See you guys...soon I hope.

Stay tuned for the next update.

That is, if I don't die.

Loving you guys for putting up with my nonsense!

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