Missing Memories

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(Third Person's P.O.V)

Natsu winced in slight pain and shock, and he limped slowly, but steadily, following a faint trail of blood, and a rapidly staling scent. He nosed the air a few times, before he hobbled further down the trail.

He knew he shouldn't be out here, wandering around mindlessly and resting his sore back, but there's no more time for him to waste, to brood and to mull over pointless things while resting.

It wasn't that difficult to follow where Gray went, all he had to do, was to just simply follow the trickles of blood left behind, and smell where the stale sent is. The metallic scent of it made his muscles run cold with fear, a pushed anxiety forced him to walk faster, bigger steps.

A horrible thought send shots of dread and fear down his harmed spine, had Gray killed someone while I was sleeping inside the Ward? Surely, he can't break his promise can he?

He frowned. Something was obviously not right. He could feel it, tugging restlessly at his guts. He chewed the inside of his lip, brooding over useless worry.

Natsu narrowed his eyes, inhaling the now staled scent, tasting it on the tip of his tongue. The mere taste and scent of it made Natsu's skin prickle, but he ignored the warning urge in his guts.  Forget it, there's no more time to be worrying about such weird scents...thought Natsu.

The warning urge did not go away. In fact, it grew and grew, disturbing Natsu. The knot of cold fear had swollen till he could feel it fill his whole body. Now, he knew something had gone terribly wrong.

What could be the cause of his fear?

Not broken, bloody corpses, he knew it. Not mysterious bloodstains either. Maybe, it's his instincts, telling him, there's danger in the taste of the scent?

It might be possible.

Natsu padded forward, hearing his own footsteps suddenly double up in sound. To his eyes and ears, he imagined maniacs and psychos waiting around the corners, waiting for the opportunity to grab him and tear him apart, limb by limb.

The fire mage sniffed the air, wearily now, and he could barely just detect a whiff of the scent, and he eyed the path nervously.

Yes, he wasn't easily scared, but creepy corridors like these creates a bad ominous feeling for him. But, if he really wanna find out where Gray went, he suppose, he had to go and find out for himself.

He kept his head low, and nose high. He had to tread more carefully now.

Natsu reached out to turn a doorknob, and hesitated. Who knew what could be hidden behind this door? There is literally Danger everywhere, and he doesn't want to take a chance. He decided to just sneak a peek. It wouldn't hurt to take a short little look, right?

The fireball pushed it open, revealing a spacious room with a computer stuffed to one side, and a whole load of unread documents. From the look of this, Natsu immediately knew that this is what they call, a "office".

He paddled over to the table full of documents, and picked up a random file, nearly overloaded with junk.

He read it.

Horrible was the word that I can use to describe this whole situation. Fear, dread. Terror. Rogue, I don't know if you're reading this, but please, don't see my mangled body. Get away from here as fast as possible. The man is insane, full of bloodlust. He eats human Hearts, and tears open flesh. Get away, before they hunt you down. Don't see my body. Run. Free yourself from this hellhole.

Natsu frowned, bemused. Who is Rogue? More importantly, who is the guy writing this? The cannibal... is it Gray?

He shook his head, before he put it down and picked up a new one, hoping to distract the horrible images put into his mind.

You don't know me. Have to make this quick. They might be monitoring.

Screaming, crying, begging, all belongs to the being experimenting people, going through absolute torture. Dream therapy, mind controlling, is all of the things they made up just to toy around with innocent people. They were making money for this so-called, "Experiments".  You're the only one who can help, and save more innocent lives before they're ruined and shattered.

It need to be exposed.

He shivered, a cold chill running down his back. This is getting scary. Okay, Natsu, get yourself together!

The fire Dragon Slayer selected another one, and read now, intrigued, but laced with fear.

If there's one thing that's good about this fear-spiking Asylum, is that even though there's rotten corpses littered everywhere, and bloodstains, there's always someone there, standing beside you, and helping you. Rogue, thank you for all of this.

Rogue! It's that name again! He put down the files, mind spinning with all the newly suken in information.

He paddled over to the computer, and clicked away with the mouse to see if there's any important Emails. Nothing. He searched, desperate to find a answer for all the messy documents. Still nothing.

He sighed in frustration, running a hand through his spiky pink hair. There must be a answer somewhere here. They can't just write mysterious documents with the name, "Rogue" and the cannibal who eats human flesh and intestines and leave nothing else for the reader.

Natsu pondered, gnawing thoughtfully on his bottom lip. Rogue Rogue Rogue...he must've heard that name before, because it is vaguely familiar. But, when he tries to catch the scuttling thought, it slips out of his mind, leaving him with nothing, but with a empty mind.

He froze, mid-step and turned around. A slinking black shadow slipped swiftly underneath the table, and disappeared. Heart in his throat, he stared, unblinking at the same spot after seconds. What was that?

Was it his imagination? Definitely not. Natsu grabbed his skin with his thumb and pointer finger, and squashed the lose skin together, pinching himself just to be sure he wasn't at all dreaming. He winced, pain as sharp as electric bolts shot up his arm. Yep, not dreaming at all.

When that shadow appeared, he could still taste the faintest scent of shadow magic. Whoever it is, must be a Shadow Dragon Slayer. A powerful, and skillful one, enough to catch him off-guard.

The air tingled with menace, and was it just him, or did the temperature drop? He hope he imagined it.

His sensitive ears caught the soft woosh of wind as the shadow Zoomed past, as fast as lighting. Natsu growled low in his throat, backing up. He couldn't suppress the feeling of fear that wanted to erupt from his heart. That sneaky shadow is really getting on his nerves.

He spun around, but found himself staring at a empty wall with the newly splashed words in red,

Shadows doesn't fear anything.

Natsu gulped. He breathed in the dusty air, cringing as he tasted venom this time. Something was obviously here, and he knew it. His heart was thudding hard against his chest, and his guts was twisting into a frenzy knot.

Suddenly, Natsu felt a blinding pain searing from the back of his head across his body. It's so painful, that Natsu's vision is spinning in dizziness, clear that he was losing consciousness. He tried to speak, but what came out of his mouth was weak chokes and feeble gasps. The pain was a pure white agony that stung his eyes. Blackness surrounded him, and the last thing he saw before he blacked out, was the looming shape of a intimidating shadow figure.


Hello. How are you?

Are you okay?

Natsu? That's a nice name.

My name is....


There was a blinding flash of light, and Natsu blinked.

He woke up.


Hey guys...so, I know this Chapter probaby sucks like the others, so please bear with me! I'll be updating often, because why not?

But yeah, comment, Vote, Do whatever you want here!

See you guys soon!

Stayed tuned for the next update!

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