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(Third Person P.O.V)

Natsu prowled around the silent Asylum, wondering where Gray could have gone. The pinkette scanned and sniffed and sented the whole rooms and corridors, but to no avail. He thought since he was here for quite some time, he would be able to tell which room is which. But, so far, he found himself confusing over everything. So much for being used to the creepy Asylum.

He mulled over deeply. He had checked all rooms and all the long corridors, but, Gray wasn't there. If Gray wasn't there, then there's only one more place. The secret tunnel. It's worth a try, and if he didn't find him, he'll give up on searching.

He bit his lip softly. He remembered those agonizing times and death caused inside the tunnel itself, and just the thought of entering and exploring the tunnel deeper makes Natsu's guts twist uneasily and he flinched. However, that doesn't deny the obvious fact that he absolutely have to find Gray. He closed his eyes and let his feet take him to the opening of the tunnel.

Once he arrived, he took a few good minutes to observe the outside of the secret entrance. It's black hole seemed like a yawning mouth, and it stretched deeper down into the dark abyss. The smooth, curved rocks felt knobby under Natsu's shoes, as he hesitantly paddled forward. He dug his fingers into the palm of his cold hands to form a clenched fist. If he entered, what's gonna be at the other vision of the other side? Will some murderer be at the other end? Or will he make it out, alive, and possibly with Gray?

Anyway, there's no more time for useless worrying. He had made up his mind. He breathed in deeply, wondering if this is gonna he his one last chance of breathing. And he entered with big steps, trying to clear his messy mind of horrible images on his imaginary deaths, and debating or not his stupid choice is a good one.

The fading lights is blocked out by the inky blackness of the tunnel, and swallowed Natsu whole. He can't see. Liting up his fist on fire, he casted only a few meters of light, and he could at least, make out a pathway that leads to more shadowy God-Knows-What. This is getting scary...

....And creepy. He felt his foot stick into a mess of water, and it's warm and gushing at its full speed. And unexpectedly sticky. It's like putting his leg into somebody's mouth. He grimaced a bit, before he stepped into the rushing water. He stumbled, feeling the heavy running water trying to drag him down. Regaining his balance, he carried on, feeling chills creeping up his spine.

He somehow couldn't shake of the fact that he was being watched, and those eyes were observing his every move, every hesitation and every choice. A cold knot of fear formed in his stomach, and without knowing it, he stepped onto dried land. His bottom half of his pants and his shoes is sogging wet with liquid, certainly not water.

He sniffed the air wearily. He couldn't use his sense of look and touch, but he still can rely on his sense of smell. Thank God that he has sensitive nose, or else he would probably die without it.

His skin pricked up in half of excitement and in fear. Gray definitely had gone this way! He could smell the faintest trance of him. His knot of fear did not losen. Instead, it tightened. The smell came with a sickly crazy hint.

The shadows whispered quietly around him, and he shivered uncontrollably. Hide. Run. Seek. Higher grounds....

He Started off as a fast paced walk, after to a slow jog, and increase to a faster jog. By this time, he was already running swiftly and silently. His shoes barely skimmed the ground, and the overwhelming urge in his head forced him to run faster. He didn't want to be caught a second time.

His right and left blackness is starting to lengthen. Skidding to a sudden halt, he nearly hit his head on a smooth wall with rocks peeping out of it. His heart clenched in absolute fear. It's the dead end. So does that mean..?

Footsteps clicked on the ground, eochinh throughout the dark gaping hole. His normal breathing rate speed up, and he found himself wishing he could unravel back time and didn't make this stupid of a choice. His eyes widen. The smell is growing stronger and stronger and it carried a very familiar sent with it. The one who he was trying to find all along.

The fireball bit his lip harder again, having no idea how many times he had bit his lip. All he knows is that he's gonna be either killed, again, or something much worser...

A hand laid itself on his shoulder, and he flinched away, feeling shock show all over his pale face. Whirling around, he saw the one who he was finding for the most. Gray.

He frowned. Something was obviously not right. The dragon slayer didn't know what it is, but his instincts howled loudly at him to run away, to hide. To just get away from this dark and dreary place.

A hot and wet object traced the shape of my ear, and he shivered and let out a soft whimper. It seemed to be slicked with... Saliva? Wait. Is that his tongue?!

(Natsu's P.O.V)

A low chuckle hissed dangerously close to my ear. "I've made my decision already, Natsu." Nervousness fluttered in my belly like a trapped butterfly. I couldn't help, but stammered heavily, "W-what i-is i-it t-then?"

He grabbed my arms and pinned me down. The sharp edges of the small rocks is prodding into the back of my body, and I shifted uncomfortably, feeling anxiety starting to bubble up in my chest. This is such a awkward position to be at in at this point of time! I struggled, until he applied more force on my arms. I slowly stopped wiggling and hung limp in his holds. It's so unfair. Why does he have so much more power over me?!

"Right before I announce my decision, I have two rules to tell you," he held up two fingers as a example. "Firstly, Whenever you're running away from a murderer or a crazy psycho, always have your back pressed against a wall. If you don't, something's probably gonna grab you from behind. You're very weak and vulnerable if you're alone, you know."

I hissed softly, and he smirked.

"Secondly, never ever look back. You'll regret it."

He smiled, and I growled, rumbling off the deep depths of my throat. "If that's so, then why did you give me the advices? You're a murderer and a psycho yourself, and I know that they wouldn't let their victims run away from them. Why are you telling me all of this?"

His lips tugged a bit wider. I expected him to be offended or something. He leaned in and whispered into my ear. "I enjoyed watching my victims in pain and in worry. I also enjoyed it when I get to play Cat-and-mouse. Usual chasing and catching."

I gulped. This is getting scary. "W-what's your decision, then?"

He licked his lips and looked thoughtful. I fidgeted. Time click and clicked away, and finally, when I felt like it's been hours, he leaned in closer and pushed his lips onto mine.

I stiffened, and without even knowing what is happening, he trusted his tongue in, and started to do all those exchanging spit, and so on. Red is probably gonna be my face colour soon. I could practically feel heat radiating in waves off my face. Goddamn it!

I pushed him away from the kiss, and I glared at him. "Just tell me your damn answer!"

He lapped up the last trances from his lips and he grinned in pure insanity. Did he thought about his decision so much that he lost his mind? Or is he currently under a lot of stress and pressure from all this situations?

He locked my lips again. And he mumbled noisily, "You."

I didn't understand at first, and after less thinking, I get it. My emotions is flying around the place, and I wished that a hole will open and swallow me up.

I guess that he could see me shaking, because he pulled away again and he slowly and teasingly lick my ear again.

I'm literally so scared right now.

.....Annnddd just a teeny tiny bit of smut. Nothing much of a really hard lemon sence yet....

I've been lately busy with my stupid phone battery. It keeps losing battery every. Single. Damn. Time. By the time 6 or 7 hours pass, I only have like what, 70-60-50-40 %. T_T

But, yeah, comment, vote, do whatever you want here!

See you guys soon...I hope!

Stay tuned for the next update!

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