Chapter 42

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When Mom and Dad return, it's hard to read the expressions on their faces. They wear bright smiles, but their eyes tell a different story. I feel if Lacy was cancer free, would've been told by now...

We all pause, mid-episode to await what one of the adults will say next. But they just stare back at us like they have no idea why their presence should interrupt "Unicorns of the Magical Forest."

Ben breaks the silence first with a simple, "Hey!"

Mom and Dad chuckle awkwardly and give a little wave in response. I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate, though I don't really have a real reason to be worried. At least, not yet. I'm just getting worked up over my imagination again. All the same, I'm scared to go home, sit in the living room with my family and start the dreaded, "here's how things are" medical junk. I just want Lacy back. For good.

I notice Mom glance my way with a thoughtful look on her eyes.

"Dr. Gavin, is the donor still in the hospital as well?"

He nods. "She'll be released this afternoon. Why?"

"Would it be ok if we went to see her? I'd like to thank her personally."

Dr. Gavin fingers his clipboard nervously.

"Well... I mean you can but she's not exactly a donor you'd expect," he answers warily.

"I know she's young Dr.," my mom reassures, "Which is... Why I'm all the more humbled."

Dr. Gavin nods slowly.

"Just you and him?" he asks, nodding towards my dad.

My mom scans all of us and shrugs.

"I guess it doesn't matter; if the kids want to, they can come, if not, that's fine."

"Can I go??" begs Lacy.

We all look at Dr. Gavin for the answer to that one.

He furrows his eyebrows, thinking.

Then with a playful grin he decides, "Why don't I just bring her in here instead?"

Lacy starts whooping and clapping. Dr. Gavin smiles and turns to go just across the hall.

"Oh, well, she isn't far," Michelle notes when we all see Dr. Gavin enter Gen's room. He exchanges a few words with her that I can't quite make out.

As the hushed sound of their voices dies down and I hear the creak do Gen's bed, I look at Lacy, waiting for her reaction when she sees who walks through that door.

Her eyes light up and she reaches out her arms. "Genny!"

Everyone watches in stunned silence as Genevieve puts one hand over her mouth to stifle her incoming sobs.


She moves to give Lacy a gentle, but heartfelt embrace. I can tell that no one, not even Ben who'd heard the whole story, could believe that this was the miracle worker; the life saver. After all, she is a tiny thing. She didn't look all that strong, certainly not your "ideal kidney donor."

What can I say? Looks can be extremely deceiving.

Michelle looks like the whole thing is just set up to pull her leg and I almost laugh at the shock on her face.

"Genny, they're gonna bring in the person who saved me!" Lacy announces. "I need to say thanks and maybe but her a teddy bear," she adds with a very serious look on her face.

Everyone awkwardly stands there, realizing Lacy doesn't know that the person who saved her is holding her.
Megan opens her mouth to make an attempt but Genevieve puts a finger to her lips.

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