Chapter Seventeen

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After weeks of dodging Tony and Clint's failed attempts to prank me back, they'd given up. Amateurs. Can't prank the queen boys.

I'd gone for a walk around the town.

Unfortunately, I'd gotten miserably lost and didn't bring Cas with me.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and was about to look at my maps, but my phone was ever so rudely shot out of my hand.

Startled, I whipped around, to see nothing.

Growling quietly, I took off running, leaving the phone there. It was broken anyway.

I just had to walk in the bad part of town, didn't I? A gunshot sounded, but I didn't hear it. I felt it.

I swore as I collapsed, holding my bleeding knee. Who the hell shoots someone in the knee?! I could feel the bones shatter as the bullet went clean through.

I looked up to see shadows looming over me, then all I saw was darkness and that cursed little octopus.
It had been three hours. Where the hell was she?

Pietro was spending time with his sister and stuff downstairs.

I jumped off my perch on Riles' bed and ran down the hallway screeching bloody murder, scaring everyone.

I jumped on Tony, still screeching my complaints.

"Tony, what the hell is wrong with it?"

What's wrong? What's wrong!? Throats are fixing to be slit.

I jumped off Tony and jumped on Clint, still screeching.

"Hey Pietro! Where's Rile's?"

A flash of blue lined into the room, "Why? Cas are you okay?"

I jumped on him, climbing up his shirt.

"Ow, ow, ow! Okay!" Pietro grabbed my scruff, sitting on the couch and placing me beside him.

I yowled at him even louder, jumped off the couch and ran down the hall to the elevator. If no one helps, I'll track her down myself.

Pietro followed, "I'll go see what's got him acting up,".

Everyone nodded, the elevator closed.

When it opened I ran out the door, following in Rile's footsteps.

After an about an hour of following her scent, I found her phone.

Pietro grabbed the phone frowning.

The scent of blood hit me and I took off running, Pietro followed. I found a large puddle of blood. I knew it was Rile's.

I looked at Pietro, he was already on the phone calling Tony, "We have a problem, get down here now."

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