Happy Souls | 4.0

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A/N (please read)

~If anybody bothers to read this book of mine, this is my first one ever on Wattpad, so please mind any minor mistakes that you come upon along the story. I really hope more people stumble along this story and decide to read it, because it will get better. I promise, it's just the beginning. Now onto Chapter 4!!


Skylar's P.O.V.

I wanted to scream. I was so happy. But I didn't, just to hide my perky weirdness from someone I just met.

"And, I didn't even have to do anything! It's like..." He stopped himself. And looked down at his feet.

"Like what?" I asked, concerned.

"Oh, nothing," he shrugged. "I don't even know what I was about to say. I guess I'm just really happy, too," he smiled.

I sent a genuine smile back. Then, for a second, I didn't even realize that we've brought each other into a hug. A freindly hug.

Carl's P.O.V.

"And I didn't even have to do anything. It's like..." I stopped myself from what I was about to say.

It's like destiny. Like we're meant be friends.

If I said that, she probably would've thought I was moving too fast or something. I jist shrugged it off, and pretend I didn't know what I was talking about.

Wow, way to go, Carl. You just made yourself look clueless and dumb.

I, mean, we've just met, and we're only friends. I guess I just wanted to prevent her from thinking otherwise.


"Let's go!" my dad shouts as we start to grab our things. "We've got to tell the others the news."

I start to adjust my hat and make sure my gun's in place, as my dad stops me.

"I was speaking to Glenn," he pats my shoulder. "You and Maggie are staying here while Glenn and I talk to the others."

"Oh okay," I respond and sit back down on the bench while I watch my dad and Glenn leave.

I see in the corner of my eye, Skylar walking towards me. "Where did your dad and Glenn go?" She asks, concerned.

"They went to report our new movement to the group...I'm assuming." I shrug and look into her eyes again.

"Well, it's bad to 'assume'," she air quotes when she says 'assume". We both giggle at her remark.

"Well, it's bad to 'air quote"," as I air quote when I said those words.

"Welllll, YOU just air quoted, dumbass," she starts laughing uncontrollably.

I roll my eyes and nudge her shoulder. "Whatever," I air quote again and we both laugh at our childish conversation and begin walking towards... Well I don't know, just walking.

"So," I break the silence. "I realize there's not a lot of people in your group. About ten?" I ask, concerned.

"12," she answers, looking down to her feet. "We've lost a few people along the way. Well, lately, we've lost more people than usual. Seems like bad luck," she has a sympathetic look on her face, and I can't help but feel the same.

"I'm sorry for your losses," I reply rubbing her shoulder. Hopefully, I'm comforting her a bit.
She sends a smile back at me and looks back down at her feet. "It's okay, thank you."

I finally realize, where we were walking to. It was a house, and we slowly walked inside it.

"This is where and Rachael and I stay," she points to the house. "Wanna see my room?"

"Sure," I nod and we walk inside.

We slowly walk up the stairs, and I see a door that has a paper attached to it that's says "SKY". I'm guessing that's it.

"Obviously," she points the the closed door. "You know who's room this is."

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I noticed," and we walk in.

The first thing I see, is a neatly, made bed. There's nothing special about her room, considering you can't really decorate it with nearly nothing to decorate with nowadays. But I do see pictures hanging up above her bed, and I stop to look at them.
It appears to be a Skylar when she was younger, maybe 10? And I see a woman with long, blonde hair, and a man with a small beard and with a fresh, styled, haircut. Brunette. May be her parents.
There's another picture with her and her sister. Looks as if she was maybe 8 in that one.

"Nice pictures," I look back her and smile.

"Oh yeah, good times." She sighs, shifts her attention away from the pictures, and introduces me to something else.

I look at the pictures one more time, before I walk away from them.

She's just as pretty then as she is now.

I smile at her young, green eyes in the picture, then follow Skylar to the other side of her room.

I knowwww, it's long.
Please keep reading, next chapter is gonna be good. ;)

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