Unexpected Movement | 7.0

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A/N (short)
Just another note to say keep on reading please! And please spread my story around, I'd appreciate it! Oh, and I'd also appreciate if you followed me. Now onto Chapter 7. 😉💕

Carl P.O.V.

Wow. I had a good night's sleep.

I can't believe I slept in Skylar's bed for the night, and yet, beside her. Sleeping next to her was amazing, so warm, so comfy, so perfect. I could lay next to her all day. All night. Unfortunately, it didn't last forever.

I finally woke up, and the first thing I seen, was the sun, brightly shining through my left eye. It hurt. I squinted my eye, and looked over to Skylar, laying next to me, curled up in my chest. I found my arms wrapped around her waist, and her arms wrapped around my torso. I didn't let go, and kept my arms, smug where they were.

I sniffed her hair, and it smelled fresh. Too fresh, for it to be so hard to get sweet-scenting shampoo around here. Her hair was surprisingly soft, and it layed there, messily across her face. I pushed her hair away from her eyes, and tucked it behind her ear. I smiled at her simple, yet beautiful face and sat up in my spot. I felt around for my hat, still squinting my eye. Once I found it, and placed it on my head, I realized I was shirtless.

"Oh, shit," I hopped up out of her bed and looked around for my shirt.

How did that happen? Not realizing it was there, I finally found it, on the floor next to the bed. I struggled to put it on, as I seen Skylar turn around and eyes me, halfway with my shirt on.

"What the hell, Carl?" She furrows her eyebrows at me, concerned.

I decided to be honest. "I woke up, and I realized my shirt was off. I don't even know how that happened," I responded shrugging my shoulders. "At least I'm being honest, and not lying like a jerk would."

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you," she sent a smile my way and hopped out of her bed. "Goodmorning, anyways."

"Goodmorning," I smiled back at her, and kept my eye focused on hers. They were so pretty in the light. "How'd you sleep?"

"Ohhhh, great. It was super comfortable sleeping next to you. You're warm," she chuckled and pushed my chest, still shirtless. "Ooh, see?"

"Ha, you are, too."

I finally managed to get my shirt on, and then, slid on my belt. Skylar had pulled a brush out from her bedside drawer, and started brushing her hair. Her hair was long, almost waist length, and she was a pure brunette. She looked as if she had wavy hair, because of her hair thickness. Not even the brush broke off her wave pattern. She, then, messily wove her hair into a long side braid and fanned it out. It was messy, effortless, yet it was so pretty on her. It suited her well.

"I'm going outside. You coming?" She placed her satchel around her body.

"Oh, um, yeah." I tucked my gun in my holster, adjusted my hat, and we walked out the door.

"After you," I politely said, opening her bedroom door.


Skylar's P.O.V.

Carl's shirt was off?! God, he was hella sexy. I don't care how or why it was off, he was sexy, and that's it.

At first, I was super hesitant to let him sleep in my bed, but like he said, 'we're friends right?'. Yep. And I want to it to stay that way. I trusted him.

It was a beautiful morning, and I couldn't wait for the sun to gleam on my back and arms. It felt so good. Before I stepped out the front door, I checked off my 'homeade' calendar.

"You have a calendar? How do you even know what days it is?"

"Well," I placed my hands on my hips and looked into his eye. "Since this all began, I've been keeping track of my days."

"Wish I would've thought of that," he looked down to his feet and scratched his head, as a sheepish grin appeared on his face.

"I'm super glad I did. It helps a lot. If you ever want to know the day, hit me up, and I'll let ya know," I chuckled, and the grin disappeared from his face.

When we walked outside, we seen Rick and Glenn, back from their visit from their people. Maggie was there, too, and they were talking to Greg and Elise. They seemed to be having a serious conversation.

"Yes! It's about to be official! You're finally going to be here," I quietly squealed and gave a wide smile towards Carl.

A few minutes later, Greg shouted to get everybody's attention. I seen Rick wave to Carl. He gave him a quick wink.

"Attention!" Greg shouted. "First off, Dylan has gotten so much better and he will be perfectly fine!" He said as the crowd applauded. "But I have another very important announcement to make. I'd think you'd be happy to hear the news I'm about to give you."

The rest of our people gathered around, and listened to Greg's announcement.

"We are safe here, yet, are we really? Our walls are growing weak, our food supply is getting low, and sadly, we've lost countless people in, maybe, the last 2 weeks? That's horrible," he looked down to his feet, then looking overinto Elise's eyes. He gave her a weak smile. She shed a few tears.

"Here it goes," Carl said, as he grasped my hand. I folded my fingers into his.

"Luckily," he continued with a more excited voice. "We've met 4 amazing people, and they've given us a great opportunity. With our 12 people, we will continue to safely, and happily live over in Alexandria, where Rick's group stay."

My jaw dropped.

We're leaving?

A sound of applause filled the meeting with joy, and relief. Before I could lift up my jaw, Carl pulled me into a hug.

"Can you believe it?" You're coming with us!" You're going to love it there," he hugged me tighter, then pulled away. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm happy, too," a weak smile appeared on my face. "But...I'm scared. I won't know anybody there. It's going to be so different," I hopefully looked into his one blue eye.

"It is different," he grabbed my shoulders. "But in a great way. No need to brag, but, it's way better than here. And you're going to love it," he said pulling me into another hug.

I glanced over at Rachael, and she gave me two thumbs up, and I gave her two thumbs up back. She mouthed the words 'it's going to be great, trust me'.

"Oh, and make sure you bring that calendar of yours," Carl winked at me and pointed at it through the door window. "Trust me, you'll love it there, I promise."

I took his hand. "Okay," I said as we finished celebrating along with everybody else.

I think I will love it there.

Hope you like this chapter! Keep reading! 💕😉

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