"Chocolate Smells Like Heaven." | 14.0

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~ i know this took a while, im sorry 😔. but i hope you like it !! ~

Skylar's P.O.V.

Ugh, why do I tend to wake up so late? I find it refreshing. Why is it such a problem? Ugh, whatever.

I finally wake up after about two hours, to wake up to a snoring Carl. Ha, what the hell? He's sleeping very weird. He's sitting in my chair. He has a comic book covering his face, and his legs are stretched out past the seat, his long arms dangling on either side of the chair. And, again, he was snoring. Kinda of loud this time, too.

I quietly walked over to him, aware of every little sound I make. His inhaling is so subtle, as his chest slowly moves up and down. Finally, as I'm standing right beside him, I bend over and approach my lips to his ear.

"Wake up!" I shout, and he alarmingly wakes up, grasping his the hat on his head.

"What the hell, Sky!" he seemed so frightened, I couldn't help but laugh at his annoyance. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Oh my god," I bursted out into laughter as I held my hands on my stomach. "You should've seen your reaction."

"How long was I sleep?" he ponders, standing his slim figure up in front of me.

"Ha, I don't know. But it's definitely time to get up. It's like nine o' clock."

"Yeah, I know. Says the girl who wanted to go back to sleep," he chuckles and walks over to my bedroom door. "You coming or what?"

"Don't sass me," I order, and we walk out my bedroom, making our way to the outdoors.


"It's about time you two sleepyheads came down from your rooms," Rachael threw us a disgusted glance, as if she thought we were avoiding the day's tasks.

"Well, Sky here, had some sort of 'morning crabs' and didn't want to get up," he told, and nudged my shoulder.

"Hey! You went back to sleep, too."

"Only because you told me to keep you company," he shot me a sly look. He knew what he was doing.

I sighed. "You lying little shit," I mumbled underneath my breath and sat down on a nearby bench.

"Well whatever happened up there," Rachael threw a bag of what seemed to be cooking utensils in my arms. "Take this to Carol. And Carl, take Judith from Carol. She could need a break."

"Alright," Carl and I said simultaneously.

We were heading over to Carol, and I knew Carl was gonna bring up that 'morning routine' he had planned earlier. Ugh, I hope he doesn't. Either way, I still wasn't being apart of it.

"Want me to carry the...um... bag?" he asked, stretching out his arm.

"Nah, I'm okay. It's not really heavy."

"Yeah, right. Give me the bag, Sky," he stopped me by grasping my arms, trying to release the bag from my grip.

"I'm fine! Leave me alone, you jerk!" I tried to wrestle his grip off of me, tugging back and forth. Then, another soft palm was placed on my shoulder.

"I believe this bag is for me?"

It was Carol.

She snatched the bag from our tangled hands and chucked a little laugh. "Ha, you two are silly. Come on," she giggled as we followed her back to her kitchen.

Judith seemed to have her eyes locked on me, and wouldn't look away. She was unrealistically adorable and I couldn't help myself to squeeze her cheeks.

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