Packing | 8.0

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~Fours Hours Later~

Skylar's P.O.V.

"Almost done," I sighed, rolling my calendar up, and securing it with an elastic.

"What else do you need? All your things are packed up," he said, looking around my empty room.

"Courage," I said hopelessly, looking down to my feet.

"Sky," he said, lifting my chin up, forcing me to look into his eye. "You have all the courage in the world. There's nothing to be scared of."

"You're right."

"Besides, you have me," he laughed, and I playfully pushed him away.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"You do, though," he smiled and walked across the room to my dresser.

"Yeah, you're right about that too," I rolled my eyes and smiled back at him.

"Forgetting something?" He said, waving my journal in the air.

"Hey, give that back!" I jumped off the edge of my bed, and wrestled him to get my book back.

"Haha, keep on trying," he couldn't stop laughing and he just held it up high so I couldn't reach it.

"Give it back, or I will stick this knife inside of you," I quickly pulled my pocket knife out of my back pocket and drew it towards him. I gave him an evilish smirk.

"Ohhh," he mouthed, still holding my journal up high. "Go ahead, do it."

I rolled my eyes, closed my pocket knife, and slowly placed it back in my back pocket. Then before he could focus his eyes back on me, I tackled him on to the bed.

"Give me back my book, you jerk!" I shouted, as I was wrestling him on my bed.

"Hmmm, no," he couldn't stop laughing at me struggling to get my book, as he held me back.

I felt around for his ticklish parts, placed my hands there, and began to wiggle my fingers back and forth.

"Ah, stop!" He shouted and tried to push me off of him. His breath started to fade away, because of his endless laughing.

"Then, give me my book. That simple," I stopped, and held my hand out for the book.

Instead, Carl picked me up by waist, sat me up, then gladly gave me my book. "Here, you cry baby," he hid his laugh under his breath.

"Thank you, very much...asshole," I mumbled under my breath. I don't think he heard me.

"What was that?" He tilted his head to the side and looked in my eyes.

"Thank you, very much, ASSHOLE!" I shouted and hid back my laugh.

"Oh, shut it before I take it and make you jump for it again," he started to laugh again, his breath quickly going again.

"Make me."

Before I knew it, he had got behind me and put his hand around my mouth. "Doing it now."

He quickly let go, as I started to raise my hands above his head.

"Glad you did, so I can tell your dad you're touching little girls," I said, placing my hands on my hips.

"Go ahead," he waved me off, and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not scared."

"Ugh! I'm just going to stop trying to make you mad now," I snapped, squinting my eyes at him.

"Haha, you don't wanna get this in trouble," he rubbed his hands up and down his body.

"What the f-" I laughed. "You wish," I said, lying.

"Oh really? You wish."

"Go fuck yourself," I said, still laughing my ass off.

"Maybe I will," he raised his eyebrow.

Before I was going to respond, Rachael came sprinting up the steps, and into my room.

"Hey, having fun?" She asked peeking her head through the door.

"Ehh, n-nothing special," I shrugged my shoulders, shifting my eyes over to Carl.

"Oh, 'nothing special'?" He used his air quotes. "Just so you know, she tackled me onto her bed!" He laughed and fell into the chair.

"Well, well, I guess you two are having some fun after all," she cupped her hand over mouth and laughed, then made a heart with her hands.

I felt my cheeks getting red, and widened my eyes to emphasize that that wasn't the case. "Oh, shush, Rachael."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say little sis," she shrugged her shoulders and raised both her eyebrows. "And calm down, I see those cheeks turning a bit pink."

Embarrassing. Why did she have to do this around him? She's doing it on purpose. I heard him, sucking in air through his teeth when she said that.

"Don't stop," she giggled. "Oh, and I see you're done packing? Yeah? Great. I'll be downstairs with Maggie if you need me," she winked at us, and shut the door behind her.

"Cheeks turning red, huh?" He chuckled at his remark. "I know, I know, no need to hide," and he started laughing again.

"Oh, be quiet, Carl," I smiled and threw my shoe at him, and tucked my journal in my satchel.


It kinda sucks, I know. But believe me, it counts. Hope you liked it! Don't forget to follow, comment, vote, and share. 💕 I'd appreciate it!

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