Confessions | 19.0

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before you read , you should read the last one or two chapters to catch up . ;)

Skylar's P.O.V.

"I think I'm in love with you."

His words gave me a sudden shiver. I didn't know what to say.

I would've never thought he'd feel this way...ever.
I'm lost for words, and have nothing to say to him. What should I say? What should I do?

Working up the courage to finally say something out of my mouth, he grasps my hands tighter, and pulls me closer to him.

"Skylar, I mean what I say completely. You just make me so happy. I couldn't ask to be happier."

I'm still silent, standing there gazing into his crystal blue eye.

"Carl," I cleared my throat. "You really mean this?"

"More than anything, Sky. I do."

"I'm taken by surprise. Really.. I didn't know you felt--"

He pulled away, and the expression on his face went blank.

"It's okay. I see," he pulled his hand away from mine. "I'm sorry."

" what are you sorry for? What's wr--"

"Skylar," he patted my shoulder and turned away from me, walking towards the door. "Just enjoy your nap okay? I hope you feel better."

I just stood there in confusion. My eyebrows were furrowed, and I knew that something was wrong. Just couldn't put my finger on it. He had a look of disappointment and anger. I just wanted to know.

"Carl, no. Don't go." I reached my hand out for him, as if I was going to grab him from my distance.

He opened the door, and hesitated. He was going to say something, and his attention was focused on the floor. I gestured for him to work his words out.

He quietly sighed, "I'm sorry." And he shut the door behind him.

I felt horrible. What have I done? What happened?


Carl's P.O.V.

What the hell was I thinking... I made a huge mistake. What was I hoping to get out of that? Hoping she'd say 'I love you back'? Wow, I'm such an idiot. Never, will I ever speak of the way I feel.

Now I'm sitting in my room, laying on my bed, fighting back the urge to let out my tears. I can't cry over something so stupid. Of course she'd never love me. Why would she?

Love isn't even meant to be in a world like this. We're not meant to be...and we never will be.

I lay back, staring at the ceiling. And what's on my mind?


I continue to think how will I get her off of my mind, and what can I do to get over my feelings.

I feel it's best to just stay away from her. Not to talk to her. Don't think about her. Avoid her, the best I can.

The longer I keep up with that, the quicker things will be back to normal.

Well, I guess that's what I'm going to do.


Skylar's P.O.V.

"Sky, wake up," Rachael shook my shoulder. "I have something important to tell you."

I hesitantly sat up blinking away the light, nervous of the upcoming news.

"Yeah? What is it?" I nearly whispered.

"I've been thinking lately. You know, about the 'Zack and Amy' situation."

"Oh yeah, that."

"Mhm. And I need your opinion on a few things."

"Okay, continue." I scratch behind my ear, and move closer to her.

"So to remain safe here, what do you think is the best thing we should do, Sky?"

"Well, what you said before; just avoid them as much as possible, and we'll be fine."

"Well I've been thinking something a little different." Her eyes locked on mine, and her attention was only on me.

"Sky, that might not work out," she placed her palm on top of mine. "Zack and Amy, and the rest of their group are very dangerous."

"I understand that so and--"

"No, I don't think you do," she interrupted me. "It's probably best... if we don't stay here."

My heart dropped. "Wh-what?"

"Skylar, we can't be here with them. They will kill us," she took a breath. "Not only us, but possibly, even the group."

"Rache, we can't leave here. We're better off here then surviving on our own!" I raised my voice and stood up from my bed. "We can't leave!"

"Sky...this is for the best. This is to keep you and I safe from them."

"We can talk to Rick, and we can work this out. He'll understand."

"Wait a second.. Is this because of Carl?" she furrowed her eyebrows in concern.

"Wh-what are you talking about?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sky," her tone became more angry and irritant. "You don't want to leave because of Carl! You're being selfish!"

"What? No! It isn't just that!" I started to feel my stomach drop, and I can tell she really felt a type of way.

"Listen. I don't know what's going on between you and him, but I know damn well it's not gonna come between the importance of our safety," her eyes began to water. "I'm gonna do everything in my will to keep you safe. Remember that Sky."

I started to feel a lot of guilt in my gut. She was misunderstanding everything.

"Sky, just give me sometime alone. I'll talk to you about this another time."

She stood up and walked me over to her door, gave me a sympathetic look, and closed it shut.

Ugh man, everything's about to get a lot harder.

And I am not ready.



i promise i won't take that long anytime soon
there's some good stuff coming up soon so please get excited
thank you to those who read and support my story , i love you <3

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