Revelation | 22.0

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Carl's P.O.V.

"Hey, Carl." My dad greeted, while opening my bedroom door.

I turned my head, my attention on him. "Yeah?"

"Glenn and I are finally going to visit Zack and Amy's campsite. You know, to see the rest of their group."

"Wait," I stopped him. "I thought you were going to go the other day. The day they came."

"No, we ended up waiting a little bit longer, so we can study their actions a bit," He stated, slightly squinting his eyes. "They seem good. Safe."

"Well, Dad," I started. "I don't think they're that safe. You should know, they've had a past with Rachael and Skylar. And they weren't good people to them. They... kinda killed their brother. And lately they're acting really suspicious. They stole Rachael's satchel and lied about it."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I would've questioned them about it and this would've all been dealt with."

"I really don't know, Dad. But please, be careful going there. Take someone extra with you. Take... Michonne. I'll talk with you about this later."

"We'll be fine. Everything is going to be alright, don't you worry. We'll deal with this." He placed his palm on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look.

"Alright, Dad. See you soon."

He walked away and without looking back said, "Keep an eye out for Judith!" while holding his finger up.

He then, turned around, gave me a wink, and closed my door behind him.

Today, I was going to talk to Skylar. She was on my mind the second I woke up. And I was really looking forward to seeing her face. I couldn't bare stay away from her so long.


Now, dressed, I'm standing here in my room, looking for my hat.

"Where the hell is my ha--" I mumbled, then being cut off by a knock on my door.

I walk over to it, quickly opening it. I stood there, very still.

It was Skylar.

She had her arms placed firmly behind her torso, while she steadily stood there.

"Hello?" she questioned, looking for a response from me.

I snapped out of my gaze, and worked some words out of my mouth.

"Oh, um, hey Skylar," I nearly mumbled. "Wha--"

"You seem to look a bit different today. Don't you think?"

I'm still quiet, my lips twitching open to attempt to say something.

"Maybe... This is why?" she removed her arms from behind her back, revealing the hat I've been looking for nearly all morning.

"Ho-how did you get that?! I've been looking for that for, like, the past hour!"

"Maybe I stole it from your room, I don't know." she smirked, then taking her attention off of me, looking past me.

"Well, tha-"

"So you're gonna talk to me now?" she cut me off again, her attention back on me.

"Um... Well... The other day was... uh... I--"

"Carl! Yes or no? Simple question!"

"Well," I placed my palm on the side of my neck. "Yeah."

"I see, because the other day, you didn't say a word to me. And you know, that hurt like hell. What did I ever do to you? Why did you walk out the other day? Just... What's going on with you?"

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