Chapter 2: Six Days

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The guards kept post outside the doors, not allowing anyone inside except for Murphy. He visited Clarke a few times throughout the day and stood behind her kneeling form, placing a hand on her hunched shoulders. He lent her his strength, and for that she was grateful.

They usually didn't talk much. Murphy understood that there was nothing to be said to help to situation and Clarke was content in the torturous silence.

Today, however, she licked her chapped lips and asked, "How long has it been?"

He sighed quietly, "Six days, last night. The seventh started this morning. We're almost through week one, Princess."

Clarke sighed wearily, six days.

Six days that Lexa had been unresponsive.

Six days that Clarke hadn't left her side, hadn't even let go of her hand.

Clarke hadn't slept, eaten, or bathed. She couldn't bring herself to, not until Lexa woke up.

Not until she saw those mesmerizing green eyes again.

"You should eat something, Clarke." Murphy tried.

She shook her head, "Not hungry."

He simply sighed again and dropped the subject, just as he had every day this week.

They sat in comfortable silence beside Lexa's bed. They had moved Lexa back into her own room after a few hours, hoping maybe being in a familiar place would help her wake up sooner.

But so far, nothing.

Clarke hadn't been back into her room since that night, unable to face the stained furs and acrid air.

Murphy stood to leave, but turned back to her at the last moment, "She'll wake up soon, I'm sure of it. It won't be long now."

Clarke leaned her elbows on the mattress and her body slumped forward, too weak to support itself, "Thanks, Murphy."

Clarke assumed he'd left after that. A few minutes later she sighed loudly, unable to keep her shoulders from sagging and her eyelids from drooping with exhaustion.

She was fighting to keep them open when he spoke again, startling her, "Did you sleep last night? You promised me you would."

Clarke shook her head.

"Did you at least try?" He asked, voice harder than before.

Clarke considered lying but found no point. She shook her head once more.

"Alright. That's it," Murphy snapped and crossed the room towards her again, "this ends now. I get that Lexa got shot and you went through hell to get her back. I get that she isn't waking up and it's killing you inside. But she wouldn't want you neglecting to care for yourself like this."

He waited until Clarke met his eyes to continue speaking, softer this time, "Look, I get that this is hard for you, and I get that I can't get you to leave her side, I wouldn't ask you to, but please, Clarke, sleep. If not for yourself, then for Lexa. I'll stay right here and you won't have to leave her side. If anything changes, I'll wake you up."

She stared at Lexa's unchanging form beside her as a war took place within her. She thought of all the reasons she should stay awake, but one thought weighed heavily in the back of her mind. He's right, she would be livid if she knew how I was putting her above my most basic needs.

Clarke sighed and nodded, "Fine. You win."

He walked to the desk and brought a chair to Lexa's bedside for himself, "It's alright, blondie, I'll take care of her."

She met his gaze and grit her teeth, "If she shows any signs of waking up-"

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll wake you up, Clarke, you have my word. Now, please, get some sleep."

Clarke avoided his gaze and whispered, "I'm scared." She flinched at how small she sounded.

"I know."

Clarke kissed Lexa's hand as tears ran down her cheeks for the first time since it had happened, finally daring to voice her deepest fear, "What if she doesn't wake up?"

He put a hand under her chin and forced Clarke to look at him, "She will. She's a fighter, and she's like you. To damn stubborn to die."

She laughed shortly though it sounded like more of a sob, "How can you be so sure?"

He wiped the saltwater from Clarke's cheeks, "Because I have hope, and right now that's all we can do."

She nodded and turned back to her love as the last of her tears dried.

"Get some sleep, Clarke. I'll keep you both safe. Go visit her in your dreams."

Clarke closed her eyes and opened them again before nodding. She crossed her arms on the bed and let her head rest on them, making sure to still grip Lexa's soft hand in hers.

She took a deep breath, feeling her muscles relax from the kneeling position they've been in for too many days now. Her eyes immediately started closing and for once she didn't fight it. Clarke finally let sleep wash over her like a dark river.

She dreamt of Lexa.

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