Chapter 24 Killer

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Lexa sat regally in her throne, back straight and head high as the Ambassadors of the twelve grounder clans filed into the room. They kneeled before her one by one before taking their seats. Clarke was not to enter yet, and Lexa noticed the other Ambassadors searching the room for her. Before they could voice their questions, she spoke, "Bring the victim's body forward."

Two of her guards entered the room carrying Uzac's body, wrapped in the ceremonial cloths. They placed him gently on the ground in the middle of the room. Lexa raised her chin and met everyone's stares. "Uzac kom Yujleda is dead. He attacked Wanheda and answered with his life." Glancing at the guards stationed at the doors she called out, "Bring in the accused."

The heavy doors swung open and there stood Clarke. Her hair looked beautiful in the tight, neat braids Lexa had put it in, and her blonde waves seemed to glow in the candlelight. Her war paint was precise and contrasted her blue eyes drastically. Lexa had laid out an outfit for her that was a mix between a formal gown and her ceremonial armor, and, Lexa realized as she tried not to blush, was quite form fitting over the girl's curves.

The dress was shorter in the front than it was in the back and Lexa's eyes immediately fell to the large brace that was closed around most of Clarke's leg. She knew the blonde had to be self conscious about it, and she tried to reassure her through her eyes.

Her message was clearly received as Clarke nodded slightly and made her way confidently into the room. She walked down the center of the room and stopped next to the body. She bowed her head and spoke clearly, her voice even, "Heda."

"Wanheda. You stand here accused by your fellow Ambassadors of murder. These are serious charges that have been brought against you. Do you understand the terms of this meeting?" Clarke took a deep breath to calm herself, trying to ignore how much the sight of Uzac's body was starting to get to her. "Sha. I do." Lexa nodded, "Then please, be seated."

Clarke turned away from the throne and crossed back to the high backed chair that was reserved for Skaikru. She sat calmly and placed her hands on the arms of the chair, her back was straight and her chin was held high as she glanced at the other's around the room, pretending their glares did nothing to affect her.

Lexa could feel the tension that sat thickly in the silence. Though she was proud of how Clarke seemed to be handling this, she knew she should try and bring this meeting to a close as soon as possible. "Shall we begin. I have more important things that require my attention."

The ambassadors nodded and pressed on, "You all wanted this meeting. You may speak freely here. A decision must be made before we can retire."

The ambassador from Ice Nation spoke first, and his ideas did not surprise Lexa. "I believe Wanheda should answer for her crime. Our brother is dead, and yet his killer sits here. Free. I say we have her beheaded."

She heard a few gasps from some of the more peace driven ambassadors and was glad Abby wasn't allowed to be involved in this decision. But Lexa also knew she didn't need to worry, death for self defense was too drastic.

Lexa raised her hand to stop the murmurs that arose after ice nation spoke. "You're opinion has been heard. However, I believe it to be misguided. You seem so sure this was murder. And yet, Wanheda was simply acting in self defense. Uzac attacked first, unprovoked."

The ambassador from the glowing forest, a peaceful old man, spoke next in a calm, relaxed voice, no evidence of anger towards Clarke's actions present.

"It seems," he paused, "that we do not know the entirety of what occurred between Wanheda and Ambassador Uzac. He turned to Clarke, taking in the young girl's stoic face, though he could see fear and pain in her eyes. He spoke to her gently, as a father would to a daughter. "Wanheda. I ask that you recount the events that brought us here?"

Clarke nodded, "I was training with Oktevia and Linkon kom Trigedakru. Heda was with us as well. She was pulled away by Indra kom Trigedakru to stop a fight that was taking place in the marketplace. Oktevia and Linkon left soon after, but I had decided to stay and continue improving my skills. Uzac than stepped out from the trees and confronted me. He accused me of wanting to destroy the coalition and then attacked me.

I tried to reason with him, but realized that he aimed to kill me." Her voice grew thick, "So I killed him." She refused to meet the Ambassador's eyes again, ashamed of what she had done.

But the old man had continued to study her, he could see the remorse she carried, but the finality in her tone made it clear that she would do it again. He continued to speak to her softly, not wanting to scare her, "What made you sure he was planning to kill?"

Clarke stood from her seat, and the creak of metal from her brace echoed around the near silent room. She brushed her hair back and exposed her shoulder as well. "Ambassador Uzac attacked me with intent to kill. His blade was lodged in my shoulder. It was his actions that lodged a blade into my spine and has destroyed the use of my leg."

There were tears flooding her eyes, and everyone could see the way they glistened in the candlelight. "I may never regain use or feeling."

The ambassador then stood and walked to place his tan, wrinkled hand on her pale shoulder. "Heda. I believe Wanheda has done nothing to deserve punishment." Then he turned to the others in the room. "For those of you still thinking jus drein jus daun, look at her. Wanheda is already bleeding."

When no one moved to speak, Lexa stood, "As there seems to be no more opinions to give, I declare that Wanheda is innocent of the charges brought against her. If anyone has a grievance with my decision, speak now."

Lexa held her breath and prayed to the gods that no one would question her. However, life didn't usually go easy on her. Ice Nation's ambassador stood angrily, "Soulou gonplei!"

Clarke's eyes widened and Lexa paled. The ambassador continued, "Heda. If you do not issue punishment to this murderer, I will challenge Wanheda to soulou gonplei. The decision is yours."

Lexa wanted to scream. She knew the humiliation that public lashings caused even the most stoic man, not to mention the pain that made even her most seasoned warriors flinch. She sighed quietly, knowing the queen was behind this. She also knew the choice she had to make. No one had ever died from lashings. If Clarke was forced to fight, she would lose...she would die.

She looked up at Clarke with tears building in her eyes, and wanted to let them fall when she saw that small smile and blue eyes full of understanding. It was Clarke that gave her the strength to finish the meeting.

She stood and waited for everyone to follow her actions. "Wanheda. You stand before me accused of murder. A decision has been made. Step forward." Clarke walked calmly to Lexa's throne and kneeled painfully, a storm brewing in her ocean eyes. "Heda."

"Wanheda. You have been found guilty. Twenty lashes."

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