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Esther and Tim walks out to where all the cars are parked.

"We'll take my car." Esther says as she digs her keys out of her purse. "You look beat."

"I am beat. I've only had a couple of hours of sleep." Tim says getting into the passenger seat.

"You didn't get any sleep on the plane?" She ask as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"No, I had a very angry child sitting behind me kicking my seat." Tim says rubbing his eyes.

"God, I hate when that happens. So is Subway good?" She ask while watching the road.

"Yea, that's fine. So, Uh, how's Avi been?" Tim ask, watch Esther's expression.

"He's been alright while he's been at the studio. But last couple of days, he seemed a little distracted." Esther says , shooting a glance over at Tim.

"That's understandable." Tim mumbles.

"Have, Uh, Have y'all been fighting?" Esther ask, her voice showing concern.

"Oh, No. We're fine. Just someone trying to cause trouble." Tim says as he looks back out the window.

"Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" Esther ask with raised brows.

Tim chuckles and brushes a hand through his hair.

"I would rather no one else know about this, alright? Tim ask.

"Alright, promise." Esther says with a nod.

"Avi received a couple of calls from a girl claiming that her and I were sleeping together." Tim say as he watches Esther's lips tighten.

"Tim, you had better tell me she's lying." Esther growls giving Tim a murderous look.

"Esther, Avi is my life. He is all I want. I am NOT having an affair. Luke seems to think it's someone in our crew. We just don't know who yet." Tim answers with a shrug.

"Well, I'm glad you told me, Tim. Cause if I had heard it from someone else, I probably would have been very hostile." Esther says with a smile.

"We kind of think that she will try something once we go on tour." Tim says as they pull into Subway's parking lot. "You just gotta help me with Avi. You know how insecure he can get at times."

"This is going to be interesting. Cause I want to know who the tramp is." Esther says as she fakes a smile.


Avi sits down on the couch as they take a break, waiting for Esther and Tim to get back with lunch.

His phone vibrates with a new text message. He smiles, thinking it's his hubby. But his smile fades as he sees an unknown number. He opens the text.

Sex Goddess: Tell Tim I'm keeping the bed warm for him. Just bought a new box of condoms too. We went through the other box really fast. ;)

He bats back angry tears, when he hears the door open.

He looks up to see Esther and Tim coming in with several bags of Subway sandwiches.

He jumps up and runs to Tim throwing his arms around Tim's neck, burying his face into the crook of the taller man's neck.

"O.K.?" Tim says trying to put his arms around Avi but still had his hands full.

"Good Heavens, Avi. We weren't gone that long." Esther laughs, shaking her head.

"She just texted. She just texted me, Tim." Avi says near Tim's ear.

"Let me see your phone." Tim says, handing the sandwiches to Scott.

Avi hands his phone to Tim.

"What's wrong?" Esther says softly.

Tim shakes his head as he reads the message then hands the phone to Esther.

Avi gives Tim a questionable look. "I told her." Tim whispers and Avi nods then looks at his sister.

"Well, I'll tell one thing. She better get down on her knees and pray that I don't find out who she is first." Esther says with a voice sharp as a razor.


** SANDRA **

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