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Pain is only temporary.. It'll leave my mind soon.

Nobody said a word while riding the bus to camp Haven. The only sound on the bus was the small sobs of little kids worrying about their parents. Sitting next to me was a little boy, trembling of fear.

"Hey it's going to be okay" I said and wrapped my arm around him. He reminded me of my little brother. The same chocolate brown eyes, the milky white skin, the brown silky hair, and the look of innocence scattered on his face.

"I miss my sister" he cried into my shoulder.

"Shh" I said, trying to make him stop crying. "What happened to her?"

"We left her behind, the bus left when she was getting my teddy" he sobbed.

"I bet she's smart, she'll find her way here" I comforted him. "It's all going to be okay"

"I'm Sammy Sullivan" he said.

"I'm Irene Adams" I said and rubbed his back. He wiped his eyes and held onto me, shaking like a chihuahua. I wouldn't blame him.

The bus entered a gate and soldiers stood outside with huge German Shepards, guarding the entrance. The bus pulled up next to other buses.

"I-I'm scared" Sammy said.

"Don't worry.. I'll protect you, I won't let anything happen to you" I said and rubbed his back.

I'm making myself a promise right now to protect Sammy until his sister gets here, if she gets here. I looked outside and there were huge red circles on the ground and kids of all ages standing in the middle. Numbers were being called out and kids stepping up forward.

"Okay listen to me" I said turning my attention to the still shaking boy. He looked up at me and his eyes filled with tears. "We might get separated for a while but I'll come look for you right after, I promise" I wiped his tears away with my thumbs.

He nodded slowly. "Okay grab your stuff" I said and threw my backpack over my shoulder.

I saw a boy maybe around my age, he looked like he didn't sleep for days he looked.. Dead. I mean who didn't? I shouldn't be judging I probably look worse. He gave me a quick glance before walking out the bus. Sammy walked in front of me, holding my hand.

"Step into the red circle and wait for your number to be called!" One of the soldiers yelled into my ear.

Number 297. Sammy had number 304. This could take a while. I looked down at Sammy and gave him a small smile. Everything from now on was changing, the others did all this.. They killed my family and everything I loved. Destroyed homes, families, relationships, dreams, hope. Sammy squeezed my hand and I looked down at him.

"Are we going to be okay?" He asked.

"Of course, we're with the army. Isn't that cool?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. This is the only place thats safe... This is a soldier camp, guns must be loaded at all times and some how that made feel safe.

I spotted the boy again, he looked so sad and scared.

"295!" The soldier shouted and the boy walked to him and took him away.

Everyone here must of lost their parents. Everyone thought I had an easy life but they didn't know what happened behind closed doors. Most people would describe my life.. 'Perfect'. Two loving and wealthy parents, a little brother, and an older sister... I looked at my left hand that Sammy was holding. My eyes followed up to my wrist. I tattooed my brothers name. I was too young to get a tattoo but I knew the guy. On my right wrist my parents names. I never tattooed my sisters name, she was a monster.. And I hate to say it but I'm glad she's dead. Everything about her was horrible from the scar she left on my thigh to the way she almost killed my parents to save her own skin.

"297!" The soldier yelled. I looked down at Sammy. "I'll see you soon" I said and squeezed his hand before letting go.

I walked over to the soldier, he checked my number and then gave it back to me. "Follow me" his voice low and husky. He took me to a room with a women that I'm assuming was the doctor because she wore the long white robe. Also another women, blonde short hair and red bright lipstick stained on her lips.

Her suit had her name printed on the left side of her chest. 'Reznik'. The doctor flashed her light in my eyes and lifting up my eyelids.

"Any family know not to be dead?" Reznik asked.

"My parents drowned, brother got killed by the virus and my sister was killed" I said.

"What's you name?" She asked.

"Irene Adams, but the camp I came from called me.. Killer" Rexnik looked confused.

"And why is that?" She questioned.

"Because I killed my sister" I said emotionless.

Reznik had no trace of shock on her face.

"Boyfriend?" She asked looking down at my wrist. She unzipped my jacket and pressed the cold stethoscope against my chest.

"Brother" I corrected. I zipped up my jacket once she was done.

"Now your tracker" she said. She turned me around and pointed something against my neck. "Take a deep breath for me"

"Just do it" I said desperately. A sharp pain made my whole body tremble. "If we plan to take down the others, how do we know what they look like?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We actually do know what they look like, wanna see one?" I didn't answer she took it as a yes since she walked me to a chair and pushed me down on it. "He won't be able to see us"

She pressed a button which made a young boy appear in front of me. His mouth open and his eyes stared into nothing. Reznik gave me something to look through. I hesitated to look, I know I wouldn't like what I was going to see. "Take a look!"

I looked through it and a disgusting leach looking thing was feeding on his brain.

"The boy's long gone, that thing stays inside of him until it's killed" she said and handed me a red button. "Kill it" she said.

I looked at the poor boy and then at the button. He's an other.. He killed my family.

"Show me you can be part of my squad! He did this!" She yelled and raised up my wrist which had my brother's name. I pressed the button and held it down until my finger turned white and I couldn't feel it anymore. I watched the thing just stop moving and the boy's head fall back.

The room went quiet and I could hear my heart almost beating out of my chest. My palms were sweaty and my breathing was heavy.

"Good job.... soldier"


Ahhhhh first chapter!!! Hope yall liked it!

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Survivor // Ben Parish Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora