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After Tank went Dorothy we didn't talk about him at all, it was like he never even existed. It's been a week and we were just finishing our run. The light burn in my legs became very familiar to me since Reznik always made us run more laps just because she felt like it. She's our master and we're her puppets.

"We're going to have a little fun today. I'm sorry, I'm going to have a little fun today" she chuckled. "We're gonna do a little race with the other squads" great we're with her today. The days that I spend with Reznik is torture. "If you loose I will kill you with drills and exercises!" She yelled.

Reznik we get the dam memo let's get on with it! Let's get this show on the road!

"There's nine stops so it's all perfect, we have enough people. Lead your squad onto the field leader" zombie gave a firm nod and started jogging over to the field.

"Flint take the first stop. Start us off with your speed, nugget go to the second stop, then Dumbo, fourth stop teacup, then Oompa, sixth peanut, Poundcake seventh" zombie turned to look at me "want to be eighth or ninth?"


"Okay I'll be in the eighth and killer will be ninth, now go"

I took off running to the ninth stop, and to my surprise my favorite person in the world was there, the girl with the black makeup.. She eyed me as I approached them. I didn't take my eyes away from her, we were having a staring match.

"This is how it's going to work! The first person will climb over the walls and and then hand it to the second person. The second person will crawl under the barbed wires, if you get attached to the wires you have to get yourself out. Third person will swing with the ropes across the mud, you fall you're squad it out. Fourth person must out smart the soldiers and get pass them without touching them. Fifth must do a lunge and ten push-ups each step you take. Sixth person will put those bags full of rocks over your shoulder and run towards the seventh person. Seventh person you will take the bag empty it and with the rocks inside start throwing them towards the buckets laying on the other side, if you get one in run to the eight person. Eight person you will have to get down on the grown on your stomach and pull yourself with your elbows towards the ninth person but if you use your knees or anything else you're out. Now the ninth person, in order to finish the race you will be given a paintball gun, you must take out every other squad out if they all get shot by another person you can still go, once you've done that you will run all the way across the field towards he red flag, first person there wins. Got it!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Everyone's voice echoed.

"3...2...1 go!"

Flint ran and climbed the walls like a spider monkey, so far he was first. He ran to nugget and gave him a push. Nugget crawled under the wires and went by fast since he's so small. He ran to dumbo and then dumbo started swinging on the ropes. Dumbo wasn't the athletic type so he wasn't the fastest at this a few people passed him. when he finally got done with the ropes he was almost the last person. Teacup took off running towards the soldiers and no one has moved on from that obstacle. Teacup tried everything but she couldn't outsmart them, she then swung a punch and the soldier. He looked surprise and she took that chance and crawled in between his legs, teacup out smarted the soldier that weighed twice her weight and the one that at least finished high school. She gave Oompa a push and Oompa started with his lunges and then push-ups. In my opinion he got the hardest one, his body must be burning right now. By the time he got to peanut she had already picked up the bag and started walking. Her face was red and her fists were white from clutching the bag. She handed the bag to Poundcake. Poundcake grabbed a few rocks and started throwing them, so far he kept missing. The other squads were also firing rocks towards the buckets. Poundcake finally made it, and he was the first one to take off running from that obstacle. Zombie started crawling with his elbows, just imagine how his biceps must be flexing right now and how hard his abs must be. Ugh snap out of it.

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